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Founder and Partner of Morelli Law Firm, PLLC
Benedict Morelli is one of the most successful and experienced attorneys in the country, specializing in civil litigation. He represents clients in employment discrimination, truck and train accidents, civil rights, complex product and drug liability, auto accidents, labor law, medical malpractice, nursing home abuse, and many other types of cases.
With decades of experience and a reputation as a fierce trial lawyer, Benedict Morelli consistently obtains multi-million dollar results for his clients. He has taken on major corporations in the process, such as Bank of America, Aaron's, Inc.,
Prominent settlements include:
Benedict Morelli and his firm were recently hired by actor/comedian Tracy Morgan after he was severely injured when his limo was struck by a Wal-Mart truck. A confidential settlement was obtained by Mr. Morelli and his team in just 10 months.
Benedict Morelli has tried every kind of civil case – from a person who tripped and fell over a raised door saddle and broke his hip ($2.6 million – the largest verdict in the country for that injury) to complex medical malpractice cases. He is recognized for his outstanding results in court, and since beginning his career considers himself first and foremost a trial lawyer.
Benedict Morelli teaches and lectures across the country to lawyers,
He regularly appears as an expert on prominent shows and networks, including The Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN, and Court TV. For two seasons, he was a regular on the nationally syndicated television show “Power of Attorney.”
Benedict Morelli is a past President of the New York State Trial Lawyers Association and has been a member and governor of the American Association for Justice, member of the Board of Directors of the New York State Trial Lawyers Association, advocate rank in the American Board of Trial Advocates, member of the New York State Bar Association, American Bar Association, New York County Lawyer’s Association, National Employment Lawyers Association, and past president of the Brooklyn-Manhattan Trial Lawyers Association.
He is admitted to the United States Supreme Court and the U.S. District Courts for the Southern, Eastern, Western, and Northern districts of New York.
Other Professional Accomplishments Include:
Founder and Partner of Morelli Law Firm, PLLC
Benedict Morelli is one of the most successful and experienced attorneys in the country, specializing in civil litigation. He represents clients in employment discrimination, truck and train accidents, civil rights, complex product and drug liability, auto accidents, labor law, medical malpractice, nursing home abuse, and many other types of cases.
With decades of experience and a reputation as a fierce trial lawyer, Benedict Morelli consistently obtains multi-million dollar results for his clients. He has taken on major corporations in the process, such as Bank of America, Aaron's, Inc.,
Prominent settlements include:
Benedict Morelli and his firm were recently hired by actor/comedian Tracy Morgan after he was severely injured when his limo was struck by a Wal-Mart truck. A confidential settlement was obtained by Mr. Morelli and his team in just 10 months.
Benedict Morelli has tried every kind of civil case – from a person who tripped and fell over a raised door saddle and broke his hip ($2.6 million – the largest verdict in the country for that injury) to complex medical malpractice cases. He is recognized for his outstanding results in court, and since beginning his career considers himself first and foremost a trial lawyer.
Benedict Morelli teaches and lectures across the country to lawyers,
He regularly appears as an expert on prominent shows and networks, including The Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN, and Court TV. For two seasons, he was a regular on the nationally syndicated television show “Power of Attorney.”
Benedict Morelli is a past President of the New York State Trial Lawyers Association and has been a member and governor of the American Association for Justice, member of the Board of Directors of the New York State Trial Lawyers Association, advocate rank in the American Board of Trial Advocates, member of the New York State Bar Association, American Bar Association, New York County Lawyer’s Association, National Employment Lawyers Association, and past president of the Brooklyn-Manhattan Trial Lawyers Association.
He is admitted to the United States Supreme Court and the U.S. District Courts for the Southern, Eastern, Western, and Northern districts of New York.
Other Professional Accomplishments Include:
Since the firm’s inception in the late 1980’s, Arthur M. Luxenberg has directed this vast part of Weitz & Luxenberg’s operations, guiding the painstakingly exhaustive behind-the-scenes work that takes place long before any of the firm’s cases makes their way to the courtroom or a settlement negotiation. He oversees the health of the entire W&L ecosystem: adroitly administering the domains of public and governmental affairs, supervising and managing the large-scale settlements, and all of the firm's operations. He has been a visionary in the areas of firm branding, multi-media marketing, and the sophisticated automation of the firm’s full range of activities.
\nNamed as the Best Lawyers® 2013 mass tort litigation Lawyer of the Year in New York City, Mr. Luxenberg has earned the esteem of his colleagues and adversaries for his abilities as a proven troubleshooter, a talent he acquired early in his career by developing and implementing winning strategies for appellate cases. Perhaps his most famous appellate case was that of Hymowitz v. Eli Lilly & Co., which led to the upholding of a 1986 New York law allowing asbestos and DES victims to bring suit after the statute of limitations had run (Mr. Luxenberg’s key achievement in that matter had the effect of making New York a viable jurisdiction for mass-tort litigation).
\nThe respect he garnered from his peers eventually led him to his current appointments on the judicial screening and departmental disciplinary committees for the First Judicial Department of the New York State Supreme Court, Appellate Division – responsibilities that he values greatly as a way to give back to his industry by upholding the qualitative standard of legal services offered to the public. It is no surprise that Mr. Luxenberg has been rated as a New York \"Super Lawyer\" every year since 2006 and a \"Best Lawyer\" annually since 2008.
\nIn addition to his track record as administrator of a legal enterprise comprising 100 talented attorneys, 400 paralegals and specialists and thousands of active cases, Mr. Luxenberg has enjoyed significant accomplishments with specific legal actions, such as when he represented passengers seeking damages from owners of the cruise ship Achille Lauro following its hijacking by terrorists off the coast of Egypt, when he served as liaison counsel for the asbestos and silicone breast implant litigations, and was a member of the DES Steering Committee for the State of New York. He has held numerous leadership positions in trial law advocacy organizations such as the New York State Trial Lawyers Association (including serving as First Vice President) and the New York City Bar Association, where he sat on the influential Committee on Professional and Judicial Ethics. He is also the co-author of a Practicing Law Institute course book.
\nPhilanthropy is essential to Mr. Luxenberg’s life outside the firm. For example, Mr. Luxenberg has long toiled to help eliminate hunger for the underprivileged: he serves as chairman of United Soup Kitchens, a nonprofit organization established to standardize the operations of approximately 20 independent charity-meal centers across Israel and the former Soviet Union. He has been influential in the support of Jewish education through his service as past president and current chairman of the 1,000-student North Shore Hebrew Academy in Great Neck, NY and led the Jewish Lawyers Guild's dramatic efforts to restore honor and professional standing to the thousands of German Jewish attorneys and judges who were disbarred after the Nazis swept into power in the 1930's.
\nOn January 14, 2014, Mr. Luxenberg was named one of the two Alumni of the Year from Cardozo Law.
\nReported Cases: AMICUS CURIAE brief in Environmental Encapsulating Corp. vs. City of New York, 87-2604; Morsellino vs. Frankel, 161 A.D.2d 748, 556 N.Y.S.2d 103 (N.Y.A.D. 2 Dept., May 29, 1990) (NO. 3589E); Rodriguez vs. Margaret Tietz Center for Nursing Care, Inc., 161 A.D.2d 692, 555 N.Y.S.2d 828 (N.Y.A.D. 2 Dept., May 21, 1990) (NO. 3743E); Allen vs. Abbott Laboratories, 160 A.D.2d 238, 553 N.Y.S.2d 352 (N.Y.A.D. 1 Dept., Apr 05, 1990) (NO. 38811); Hymowitz vs. Eli Lilli and Co., 73 N.Y.2d 437, 541 N.Y.S.2d 941, 589 N.E.2d 1069, 57 U.S.L.W. 2589, Prod.Liab.Rep. (CCH) 12,182 (N.Y., Apr 04, 1989) (NO. 56, 57, 58, 59); Matthews vs. CTI Container Transport Intern. Inc., 871 F.2d 270, 1989 A.M.C. 1232, 8 UCC Rep.Serv.2d 1 (2nd Cir. (N.Y.), Mar 23, 1989) (NO. 88-7571, 88-7573, 88-7659, 88-7689, 460, 462, 463); Matthews vs. CTI Container Transport Intern. Inc., 689 F.Supp. 348 (S.D.N.Y, Jul 21, 1988) (NO. 86 CIV 1420 (MGC)); Crawford by Crawford vs. Hospital of Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 647 F.Supp. 843 (S.D.N.Y., Nov 12, 1986) (NO. 86CIV 8318 (MP), 86 CIV 7639 (MP)); Klinghoffer vs. S.N.C. Achille Lauro Ed Altri-Gestione Motonave Achille Lauro in Amministrazione Straordinaria, (37 F.2d 44, 1991 A.M.C. 2751, 19 Fed.R.Serv.3d 1277 (2nd Cir. (N.Y.), Jun 21, 1991) (NO. 1371, 90-9060)
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\nNamed as the Best Lawyers® 2013 mass tort litigation Lawyer of the Year in New York City, Mr. Luxenberg has earned the esteem of his colleagues and adversaries for his abilities as a proven troubleshooter, a talent he acquired early in his career by developing and implementing winning strategies for appellate cases. Perhaps his most famous appellate case was that of Hymowitz v. Eli Lilly & Co., which led to the upholding of a 1986 New York law allowing asbestos and DES victims to bring suit after the statute of limitations had run (Mr. Luxenberg’s key achievement in that matter had the effect of making New York a viable jurisdiction for mass-tort litigation).
\nThe respect he garnered from his peers eventually led him to his current appointments on the judicial screening and departmental disciplinary committees for the First Judicial Department of the New York State Supreme Court, Appellate Division – responsibilities that he values greatly as a way to give back to his industry by upholding the qualitative standard of legal services offered to the public. It is no surprise that Mr. Luxenberg has been rated as a New York \"Super Lawyer\" every year since 2006 and a \"Best Lawyer\" annually since 2008.
\nIn addition to his track record as administrator of a legal enterprise comprising 100 talented attorneys, 400 paralegals and specialists and thousands of active cases, Mr. Luxenberg has enjoyed significant accomplishments with specific legal actions, such as when he represented passengers seeking damages from owners of the cruise ship Achille Lauro following its hijacking by terrorists off the coast of Egypt, when he served as liaison counsel for the asbestos and silicone breast implant litigations, and was a member of the DES Steering Committee for the State of New York. He has held numerous leadership positions in trial law advocacy organizations such as the New York State Trial Lawyers Association (including serving as First Vice President) and the New York City Bar Association, where he sat on the influential Committee on Professional and Judicial Ethics. He is also the co-author of a Practicing Law Institute course book.
\nPhilanthropy is essential to Mr. Luxenberg’s life outside the firm. For example, Mr. Luxenberg has long toiled to help eliminate hunger for the underprivileged: he serves as chairman of United Soup Kitchens, a nonprofit organization established to standardize the operations of approximately 20 independent charity-meal centers across Israel and the former Soviet Union. He has been influential in the support of Jewish education through his service as past president and current chairman of the 1,000-student North Shore Hebrew Academy in Great Neck, NY and led the Jewish Lawyers Guild's dramatic efforts to restore honor and professional standing to the thousands of German Jewish attorneys and judges who were disbarred after the Nazis swept into power in the 1930's.
\nOn January 14, 2014, Mr. Luxenberg was named one of the two Alumni of the Year from Cardozo Law.
\nReported Cases: AMICUS CURIAE brief in Environmental Encapsulating Corp. vs. City of New York, 87-2604; Morsellino vs. Frankel, 161 A.D.2d 748, 556 N.Y.S.2d 103 (N.Y.A.D. 2 Dept., May 29, 1990) (NO. 3589E); Rodriguez vs. Margaret Tietz Center for Nursing Care, Inc., 161 A.D.2d 692, 555 N.Y.S.2d 828 (N.Y.A.D. 2 Dept., May 21, 1990) (NO. 3743E); Allen vs. Abbott Laboratories, 160 A.D.2d 238, 553 N.Y.S.2d 352 (N.Y.A.D. 1 Dept., Apr 05, 1990) (NO. 38811); Hymowitz vs. Eli Lilli and Co., 73 N.Y.2d 437, 541 N.Y.S.2d 941, 589 N.E.2d 1069, 57 U.S.L.W. 2589, Prod.Liab.Rep. (CCH) 12,182 (N.Y., Apr 04, 1989) (NO. 56, 57, 58, 59); Matthews vs. CTI Container Transport Intern. Inc., 871 F.2d 270, 1989 A.M.C. 1232, 8 UCC Rep.Serv.2d 1 (2nd Cir. (N.Y.), Mar 23, 1989) (NO. 88-7571, 88-7573, 88-7659, 88-7689, 460, 462, 463); Matthews vs. CTI Container Transport Intern. Inc., 689 F.Supp. 348 (S.D.N.Y, Jul 21, 1988) (NO. 86 CIV 1420 (MGC)); Crawford by Crawford vs. Hospital of Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 647 F.Supp. 843 (S.D.N.Y., Nov 12, 1986) (NO. 86CIV 8318 (MP), 86 CIV 7639 (MP)); Klinghoffer vs. S.N.C. Achille Lauro Ed Altri-Gestione Motonave Achille Lauro in Amministrazione Straordinaria, (37 F.2d 44, 1991 A.M.C. 2751, 19 Fed.R.Serv.3d 1277 (2nd Cir. (N.Y.), Jun 21, 1991) (NO. 1371, 90-9060)
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Mr. Ferguson received a juris doctor degree from Brooklyn Law School in 1987. He completed undergraduate studies at Wilkes College, which, in 1983, conferred upon him a bachelor of arts degree.
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Mr. Ferguson received a juris doctor degree from Brooklyn Law School in 1987. He completed undergraduate studies at Wilkes College, which, in 1983, conferred upon him a bachelor of arts degree.
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She serves in leadership capacities appointed by courts as the Co-Lead Counsel of the In Re: DePuy ASR Multi-District Litigation (MDL) and the Lead and Liaison Counsel for the New Jersey In Re: Stryker Rejuvenate & ABG II Modular Hip Implant Litigation as well as a member of the Plaintiff Steering Committee in the In Re: Xarelto Product Liability Litigation and the Executive Committee of In Re: Invokana (Canagliflozin) Products Liability Litigation.
She had served on the court-appointed Executive Committee of the MDL involving the birth control patch Ortho Evra, and as the Plaintiffs’ Liaison counsel in the New Jersey consolidated litigation involving the oral contraceptives Yaz, Yasmin and Ocella, as well as on the Court Appointed Plainitffs’ Steering Committee of the In Re: Biomet Hip Implant Litigation.
In April 2006, she was part of the trial team that secured a $13.5 million verdict in McDarby v. Merckin a failure-to-warn case involving the medication Vioxx and the risk for heart attack, and she successfully defended the compensatory damage verdict on appeal.
Ms. Relkin, who is Certified by the New Jersey Supreme Court as a Civil Trial Attorney, is an elected member of the American Law Institute as well as the Summit Council. She is an active member of the American Association for Justice (past chair of its Toxic, Environmental, and Pharmaceutical Torts section); the New Jersey Trial Lawyers Association, where she serves on the Board of Governors; the New Jersey and New York Bar Associations and the American Bar Association, where she was co-chair of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Subcommittee of the ABA Section of Litigation Mass Torts Committee. She is also President of the Roscoe Pound Civil Justice Institute and serves on the Board of Visitors of the University of California at Irvine. She is a frequent lecturer nationally at continuing legal education programs.
She has published law review articles in the Cardozo Law Review and the Dickinson Journal of Environmental Law and Policy, the Chapter on Failure to Warn in Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Mass Tort Litigation in the treatise New Jersey Mass Torts and Class Action (2015) published by the New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education and numerous other legal publications. In addition, Ms. Relkin serves on the board of advisors for the BNA Product Safety and Liability Reporter, The Toxics Law Reporter, and the MDEX Daubert Reporter.
She has been consistently named as a ”Super Lawyer” in both New York and New Jersey for the past several years and has been AV rated by Martindale Hubble for more than two decades.
Her litigation areas include: metal-on-metal and modular hips including Stryker Rejuvenate and AGB II modular stems, the Stryker Accolade, Citation and Meridian stems, DePuy ASR and Pinnacle, Wright Conserve metal-on-metal hips, and the Wright ProFemur modular hip. She also represents women injured by the medications Xarelto, Invokana, as well as women who had Power Morcellators used during laparoscopic hysterectomies.
Ellen Relkin can be reached directly by email at and by phone at 877-846-8082.
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She serves in leadership capacities appointed by courts as the Co-Lead Counsel of the In Re: DePuy ASR Multi-District Litigation (MDL) and the Lead and Liaison Counsel for the New Jersey In Re: Stryker Rejuvenate & ABG II Modular Hip Implant Litigation as well as a member of the Plaintiff Steering Committee in the In Re: Xarelto Product Liability Litigation and the Executive Committee of In Re: Invokana (Canagliflozin) Products Liability Litigation.
She had served on the court-appointed Executive Committee of the MDL involving the birth control patch Ortho Evra, and as the Plaintiffs’ Liaison counsel in the New Jersey consolidated litigation involving the oral contraceptives Yaz, Yasmin and Ocella, as well as on the Court Appointed Plainitffs’ Steering Committee of the In Re: Biomet Hip Implant Litigation.
In April 2006, she was part of the trial team that secured a $13.5 million verdict in McDarby v. Merckin a failure-to-warn case involving the medication Vioxx and the risk for heart attack, and she successfully defended the compensatory damage verdict on appeal.
Ms. Relkin, who is Certified by the New Jersey Supreme Court as a Civil Trial Attorney, is an elected member of the American Law Institute as well as the Summit Council. She is an active member of the American Association for Justice (past chair of its Toxic, Environmental, and Pharmaceutical Torts section); the New Jersey Trial Lawyers Association, where she serves on the Board of Governors; the New Jersey and New York Bar Associations and the American Bar Association, where she was co-chair of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Subcommittee of the ABA Section of Litigation Mass Torts Committee. She is also President of the Roscoe Pound Civil Justice Institute and serves on the Board of Visitors of the University of California at Irvine. She is a frequent lecturer nationally at continuing legal education programs.
She has published law review articles in the Cardozo Law Review and the Dickinson Journal of Environmental Law and Policy, the Chapter on Failure to Warn in Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Mass Tort Litigation in the treatise New Jersey Mass Torts and Class Action (2015) published by the New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education and numerous other legal publications. In addition, Ms. Relkin serves on the board of advisors for the BNA Product Safety and Liability Reporter, The Toxics Law Reporter, and the MDEX Daubert Reporter.
She has been consistently named as a ”Super Lawyer” in both New York and New Jersey for the past several years and has been AV rated by Martindale Hubble for more than two decades.
Her litigation areas include: metal-on-metal and modular hips including Stryker Rejuvenate and AGB II modular stems, the Stryker Accolade, Citation and Meridian stems, DePuy ASR and Pinnacle, Wright Conserve metal-on-metal hips, and the Wright ProFemur modular hip. She also represents women injured by the medications Xarelto, Invokana, as well as women who had Power Morcellators used during laparoscopic hysterectomies.
Ellen Relkin can be reached directly by email at and by phone at 877-846-8082.
","CountryCode":"US","CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-biography highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-white background-dark-blue-gray background-dark-blue-gray-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBio","ViewName":"LawyerBio","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBio.cshtml"},null],"ViewName":"Paged","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Paged.cshtml","CssClass":"card d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-transparent swiper-slide","AriaLabel":"Paged"},{"BasicInfo":{"IsLoty":false,"LotyBadgeUrl":null,"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":false,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":null,"IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":false,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerId":0,"LawyerFullName":"James Bilsborrow","LawyerGivenName":"James","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Bilsborrow","LawyerInitials":"JB","HasFirmProfile":false,"FirmProfileUrl":null,"FirmName":"Weitz & Luxenberg P.C. ","RecognizedSinceYear":2025,"LocationName":"New York City, New York","CountryCode":"US","TrafficId":259044,"TrafficCategory":"lawyer","PracticeAreas":["Litigation - Environmental"],"SpecificFocuses":[],"CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-basic-info card-lawyer-bl card-lawyer-no-profile d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-light-gray background-light-gray-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewName":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBasicInfo.cshtml"},"Biography":null,"Contact":null,"Pages":[{"IsLoty":false,"LotyBadgeUrl":null,"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":false,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":null,"IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":false,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerId":0,"LawyerFullName":"James Bilsborrow","LawyerGivenName":"James","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Bilsborrow","LawyerInitials":"JB","HasFirmProfile":false,"FirmProfileUrl":null,"FirmName":"Weitz & Luxenberg P.C. ","RecognizedSinceYear":2025,"LocationName":"New York City, New York","CountryCode":"US","TrafficId":259044,"TrafficCategory":"lawyer","PracticeAreas":["Litigation - Environmental"],"SpecificFocuses":[],"CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-basic-info card-lawyer-bl card-lawyer-no-profile d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-light-gray background-light-gray-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewName":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBasicInfo.cshtml"},null,null],"ViewName":"Paged","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Paged.cshtml","CssClass":"card d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-transparent swiper-slide","AriaLabel":"Paged"},{"BasicInfo":{"IsLoty":false,"LotyBadgeUrl":null,"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerId":0,"LawyerFullName":"Jerry Kristal","LawyerGivenName":"Jerry","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Kristal","LawyerInitials":"JK","HasFirmProfile":false,"FirmProfileUrl":null,"FirmName":"Weitz & Luxenberg P.C. ","RecognizedSinceYear":2006,"LocationName":"Cherry Hill, New Jersey","CountryCode":"US","TrafficId":45189,"TrafficCategory":"lawyer","PracticeAreas":["Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions - Plaintiffs"],"SpecificFocuses":[],"CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-basic-info card-lawyer-bl highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-white-lg background-white-lg-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewName":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBasicInfo.cshtml"},"Biography":{"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerFullName":"Jerry Kristal","LawyerGivenName":"Jerry","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Kristal","LawyerInitials":"JK","Biography":"Jerry Kristal is the managing attorney of our New Jersey office, located in the city of Cherry Hill. In that capacity, he oversees the activities of a team of six attorneys and approximately 20 support personnel as they together strive to obtain justice for clients across the Garden State, as well as in neighboring Pennsylvania and elsewhere around the Mid-Atlantic region.
He also is responsible for evaluating prospective cases: drawing upon his more than three decades of experience in the practice of law, Mr. Kristal can readily spot those claims likely to be won at trial or to yield a substantial settlement. Additionally, Mr. Kristal serves as senior trial-counsel.
A highly respected litigator, he is known for his devastating eviscerations of the arguments raised by the opposing side and for his facile ability to undermine the credibility of even seemingly unassailable defense witnesses. Yet, despite his deserved reputation for toughness, Mr. Kristal comes across to jurors as a man of great personal warmth, compassion and genuineness.
Most of the cases in which he plays an active role are those involving either asbestos exposures (mesothelioma, lung cancer, asbestosis) or injuries caused by dangerous pharmaceuticals and medical devices — with regard to the former, some of the verdicts he has obtained are among the highest ever brought in against U.S. asbestos defendants.
Mr. Kristal is admitted to practice law in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia; he is authorized to represent clients in U.S. District Court (the federal tribunal’s Eastern Pennsylvania and Eastern and Southern New York districts), at the U.S. Court of Appeals (Third Circuit), and before the U.S. Supreme Court. The prestigious Martindale attorney peer-review rating service gives Mr. Kristal a perfect score of 5.0 out of 5.0 (qualifying him for the designation \"AV Preeminent\") and, for five consecutive years, a separate organization named him a \"New York Super Lawyer\" (2007-14).
Owing to his sweep of knowledge, Mr. Kristal is often tapped to speak on the topics of asbestos, epidemiology and offensive discovery at regional and national seminars conducted for the benefit of plaintiffs’ attorneys. He joined Weitz & Luxenberg in 1997, after a 10-year stint with the Philadelphia law firm Greitzer & Locks where he represented families injured by asbestos.
At the dawn of his career in law, Mr. Kristal was a criminal defense attorney; he re-calibrated his practice a few years later to make civil litigations on behalf of working people his focus. Georgetown University — where he studied law and was fellowship-trained in trial advocacy — conferred upon him in 1977 a juris doctor degree; from that same institution four years later he obtained a master of laws degree.
Before entering Georgetown, Mr. Kristal was a teacher with the New York City schools system, having earned in 1972 from Queens College of the City University of New York a master’s degree in education. While working as an instructor, he became increasingly alarmed at the employment and housing problems of his students’ families — it was this concern that spurred him to enroll at Georgetown. A devoted family man whose household includes two beloved dogs, Mr. Kristal’s hobbies include gardening and music appreciation.
Key Verdicts:
Jerry Kristal is the managing attorney of our New Jersey office, located in the city of Cherry Hill. In that capacity, he oversees the activities of a team of six attorneys and approximately 20 support personnel as they together strive to obtain justice for clients across the Garden State, as well as in neighboring Pennsylvania and elsewhere around the Mid-Atlantic region.
He also is responsible for evaluating prospective cases: drawing upon his more than three decades of experience in the practice of law, Mr. Kristal can readily spot those claims likely to be won at trial or to yield a substantial settlement. Additionally, Mr. Kristal serves as senior trial-counsel.
A highly respected litigator, he is known for his devastating eviscerations of the arguments raised by the opposing side and for his facile ability to undermine the credibility of even seemingly unassailable defense witnesses. Yet, despite his deserved reputation for toughness, Mr. Kristal comes across to jurors as a man of great personal warmth, compassion and genuineness.
Most of the cases in which he plays an active role are those involving either asbestos exposures (mesothelioma, lung cancer, asbestosis) or injuries caused by dangerous pharmaceuticals and medical devices — with regard to the former, some of the verdicts he has obtained are among the highest ever brought in against U.S. asbestos defendants.
Mr. Kristal is admitted to practice law in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia; he is authorized to represent clients in U.S. District Court (the federal tribunal’s Eastern Pennsylvania and Eastern and Southern New York districts), at the U.S. Court of Appeals (Third Circuit), and before the U.S. Supreme Court. The prestigious Martindale attorney peer-review rating service gives Mr. Kristal a perfect score of 5.0 out of 5.0 (qualifying him for the designation \"AV Preeminent\") and, for five consecutive years, a separate organization named him a \"New York Super Lawyer\" (2007-14).
Owing to his sweep of knowledge, Mr. Kristal is often tapped to speak on the topics of asbestos, epidemiology and offensive discovery at regional and national seminars conducted for the benefit of plaintiffs’ attorneys. He joined Weitz & Luxenberg in 1997, after a 10-year stint with the Philadelphia law firm Greitzer & Locks where he represented families injured by asbestos.
At the dawn of his career in law, Mr. Kristal was a criminal defense attorney; he re-calibrated his practice a few years later to make civil litigations on behalf of working people his focus. Georgetown University — where he studied law and was fellowship-trained in trial advocacy — conferred upon him in 1977 a juris doctor degree; from that same institution four years later he obtained a master of laws degree.
Before entering Georgetown, Mr. Kristal was a teacher with the New York City schools system, having earned in 1972 from Queens College of the City University of New York a master’s degree in education. While working as an instructor, he became increasingly alarmed at the employment and housing problems of his students’ families — it was this concern that spurred him to enroll at Georgetown. A devoted family man whose household includes two beloved dogs, Mr. Kristal’s hobbies include gardening and music appreciation.
Key Verdicts:
Weitz & Luxenberg is home to outstanding and supremely talented personal injury attorneys. Among them: Michael P. Roberts, recognized as a Best Lawyer and five times named a Super Lawyer.
\nMr. Roberts joined Weitz & Luxenberg more than a quarter-century ago. A few years after starting with the firm, he became a member of the National Institute for Trial Advocacy — a nonprofit organization at the forefront of showing up-and-coming attorneys how to be highly effective legal advocates. NITA soon afterward began utilizing Mr. Roberts to teach law students the winning ways of trying cases.
\nMore recently, he has taught moot-trial classes at Hofstra University School of Law. The New York State Trial Lawyers Association, too, has drawn upon the expertise of Mr. Roberts — specifically, to instruct members in the art and science of examining expert medical witnesses on the courtroom stand.
\nApart from law practice, Mr. Roberts is actively involved with the Children’s Medical Foundation, United Jewish Appeal, Working Organization for Retarded Children and Adults, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and Hoops 4 Hope. He also volunteers as a coach of community soccer, basketball and baseball teams. Among Mr. Roberts’ personal pursuits are travel, golf and long-distance running — to date, he has participated in four New York City marathons.
\n- See more at:","CountryCode":"US","CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-biography highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-white background-dark-blue-gray background-dark-blue-gray-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBio","ViewName":"LawyerBio","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBio.cshtml"},"Contact":null,"Pages":[{"IsLoty":false,"LotyBadgeUrl":null,"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerId":0,"LawyerFullName":"Michael P. Roberts","LawyerGivenName":"Michael P.","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Roberts","LawyerInitials":"MR","HasFirmProfile":false,"FirmProfileUrl":null,"FirmName":"Weitz & Luxenberg P.C. ","RecognizedSinceYear":2009,"LocationName":"New York City, New York","CountryCode":"US","TrafficId":83713,"TrafficCategory":"lawyer","PracticeAreas":["Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions - Plaintiffs"],"SpecificFocuses":[],"CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-basic-info card-lawyer-bl highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-white-lg background-white-lg-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewName":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBasicInfo.cshtml"},{"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerFullName":"Michael P. Roberts","LawyerGivenName":"Michael P.","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Roberts","LawyerInitials":"MR","Biography":"Weitz & Luxenberg is home to outstanding and supremely talented personal injury attorneys. Among them: Michael P. Roberts, recognized as a Best Lawyer and five times named a Super Lawyer.
\nMr. Roberts joined Weitz & Luxenberg more than a quarter-century ago. A few years after starting with the firm, he became a member of the National Institute for Trial Advocacy — a nonprofit organization at the forefront of showing up-and-coming attorneys how to be highly effective legal advocates. NITA soon afterward began utilizing Mr. Roberts to teach law students the winning ways of trying cases.
\nMore recently, he has taught moot-trial classes at Hofstra University School of Law. The New York State Trial Lawyers Association, too, has drawn upon the expertise of Mr. Roberts — specifically, to instruct members in the art and science of examining expert medical witnesses on the courtroom stand.
\nApart from law practice, Mr. Roberts is actively involved with the Children’s Medical Foundation, United Jewish Appeal, Working Organization for Retarded Children and Adults, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and Hoops 4 Hope. He also volunteers as a coach of community soccer, basketball and baseball teams. Among Mr. Roberts’ personal pursuits are travel, golf and long-distance running — to date, he has participated in four New York City marathons.
\n- See more at:","CountryCode":"US","CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-biography highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-white background-dark-blue-gray background-dark-blue-gray-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBio","ViewName":"LawyerBio","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBio.cshtml"},null],"ViewName":"Paged","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Paged.cshtml","CssClass":"card d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-transparent swiper-slide","AriaLabel":"Paged"},{"BasicInfo":{"IsLoty":false,"LotyBadgeUrl":null,"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerId":0,"LawyerFullName":"Perry Weitz","LawyerGivenName":"Perry","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Weitz","LawyerInitials":"PW","HasFirmProfile":false,"FirmProfileUrl":null,"FirmName":"Weitz & Luxenberg P.C. ","RecognizedSinceYear":2006,"LocationName":"New York City, New York","CountryCode":"US","TrafficId":30550,"TrafficCategory":"lawyer","PracticeAreas":["Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions - Plaintiffs"],"SpecificFocuses":[],"CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-basic-info card-lawyer-bl highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-white-lg background-white-lg-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewName":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBasicInfo.cshtml"},"Biography":{"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerFullName":"Perry Weitz","LawyerGivenName":"Perry","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Weitz","LawyerInitials":"PW","Biography":"It can cause even the most ruthless corporate CEO to tug nervously at his shirt collar and gulp hard when told that squaring off against him in court will be the brawny, knock-out-king of a law firm co-founded in 1986 by super attorney Perry Weitz, Esq.
\nMr. Weitz — bold and resolute, relentlessly so — is a clenched-jaw champion of justice for the little guy. Always has been, always will be.
\nNo surprise to learn then, that, early in his career, he gained a reputation as the kind of plaintiffs’ attorney capable of convincing corporations prone to digging-in their heels to instead put a case to rest quickly by settling out of court (and, in so doing, spare themselves a devastating confrontation with him in front of a jury).
\nAfter launching Weitz & Luxenberg, Mr. Weitz took care to populate the firm with attorneys who shared not only his impassioned views about the price corporations and wealthy individuals must pay for their negligent or willful acts committed against the innocent, but who also shared his energy, his enthusiasm and — above all — his extraordinary depth of understanding about what is possible under the law and along the outermost edges of its continually shifting contours.
\nU.S. presidents have sought his advice. Likewise legislators, academicians, nonprofit business managers, association leaders, charity directors and many others. The reason is simple: Perry Weitz is a man of ideas, with the clarity of vision that makes his a voice much sought-after — and sought-after in particular by those who lack a voice of their own.
\nCase in point: 36 shipyard workers dying or dead of the terrifying, aggressive cancer known as mesothelioma, which each of them contracted after being exposed on the job to the toxic mineral asbestos. Outraged over the story of unconscionable suffering and loss told by each victim at their first meeting with him, Mr. Weitz lost no time building a powerful case against the operators of the Brooklyn, N.Y., shipyard where the injuries occurred. So determined was he to win this for the workers that he put practically everything on the line – including his own home, mortgaged to raise money to cover the costs of legal research and evidence gathering. He proceeded despite the snickering of some veteran members of the personal-injury establishment, who believed the case hopeless and were sure Mr. Weitz would find only ruin in the end.
\nInstead, what Mr. Weitz found was victory — and a stunning $75-million award for the shipyard workers to compensate them for their massive medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.
\nMr. Weitz remembers the case as physically and emotionally exhausting, in part because it was tried simultaneously in two different courts — one at the state level, the other at the federal. He also remembers it as worth every last drop of sweat and tears, for it delivered justice far beyond the expectations of the victims. However, the case accomplished something more. It made plain that Perry Weitz and his young firm were together a force with which to be reckoned.
\nAfter having played a direct role in obtaining verdicts that, combined, grew to be worth a half-billion dollars, Perry Weitz decided it was time to hand off the job of engaging in courtroom combat to his team of extraordinary litigators while he focused on other, equally productive avenues of justice.
\nSettlement negotiations, for instance. Mr. Weitz is a masterful negotiator who has over and over persuaded defendants that it is in their own best interests to agree, out-of-court, to do the right thing and pay the plaintiffs a generous sum in settlement. The firm’s principal negotiator, Mr. Weitz has in this way wrested from defendant companies hundreds of millions of settlement dollars to end litigations involving asbestos, but also pharmaceuticals (such as DES, Vioxx, Baycol, Zyprexa, Rezulin, Seroquel and others), medical devices (silicone breast-implants, chiefly), and environmental pollution (his part in securing a $425-million settlement in a case where gasoline additive was alleged responsible for contaminating groundwater supplies earned him nomination as \"Trial Lawyer of the Year\" by the Public Justice Foundation). Mr. Weitz over the span of his career has been involved in settlements of more than 1,000 individual cases.
\nHis negotiating skills also prove invaluable in the realm of asbestos bankruptcy trusts where he serves on numerous trust advisory committees that oversee the process by which asbestos defendants, emerging from bankruptcy, are able to set aside funds for victims. Mr. Weitz helped fashion agreements to create asbestos bankruptcy trusts bearing the names of companies including W.R. Grace, Kaiser Aluminum, Harbison Walker, Armstrong World Industries, Pittsburgh Corning, Babcock & Wilcox, Owens Corning, Burns & Roe, AC&S, U.S. Gypsum, U.S. Mineral. North American Refractories. A.P. Green, and Kentile Floors.
\nWith success has come wide recognition. Not only is the law firm that Mr. Weitz jointly built now among the biggest names on the planet when it comes to mass-tort personal-injury litigation, but he himself is celebrated as one who harnessed courage and conviction to make something so great from so little.
\nUnderstandably, then, beginning in 2005, Mr. Weitz’s name has appeared annually without fail on the pages of New York Magazine to announce his selection as one of the area’s \"Best Lawyers.\" He also has repeatedly and consistently earned the title of \"Super Lawyer\" from a prestige organization that gauges the performance of attorneys across the nation. In 2011, the Trial Lawyers for Public Justice proclaimed him the recipient of its \"Champion of Justice\" award. In 2012, he was New York City \"Lawyer of the Year\" in the category of mass-torts litigation and class-action lawsuits on the plaintiffs’ side.
\nHis smashing legal triumphs naturally make him a much-in-demand lecturer and a fixture of national trial-law associations. He serves on the boards of the New York State Trial Lawyers Assn., Trial Lawyers for Public Justice, Legal Aid Society, and Jewish Lawyer Guild. Additionally, Mr. Weitz chairs the Tort and General Negligence sections of the New York County Lawyers Assn., and is a member of the Mass Tort Committee of the American Association for Justice. For Hofstra University — his law school alma mater — Mr. Weitz acts as dean's counsel.
\nPerry Weitz holds that no greater source of joy exists in the world than the privilege of providing help to those who lack the means of helping themselves. Thus, volunteerism and its close-cousin, philanthropy, are for him potent spurs to action. He occupies a seat on the board of trustees of North Shore University Hospital, and is a member of the men’s division executive committees for both the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation and the Children's Medical Fund (the latter affiliated with Schneider Children's Hospital).
\n\nIt can cause even the most ruthless corporate CEO to tug nervously at his shirt collar and gulp hard when told that squaring off against him in court will be the brawny, knock-out-king of a law firm co-founded in 1986 by super attorney Perry Weitz, Esq.
\nMr. Weitz — bold and resolute, relentlessly so — is a clenched-jaw champion of justice for the little guy. Always has been, always will be.
\nNo surprise to learn then, that, early in his career, he gained a reputation as the kind of plaintiffs’ attorney capable of convincing corporations prone to digging-in their heels to instead put a case to rest quickly by settling out of court (and, in so doing, spare themselves a devastating confrontation with him in front of a jury).
\nAfter launching Weitz & Luxenberg, Mr. Weitz took care to populate the firm with attorneys who shared not only his impassioned views about the price corporations and wealthy individuals must pay for their negligent or willful acts committed against the innocent, but who also shared his energy, his enthusiasm and — above all — his extraordinary depth of understanding about what is possible under the law and along the outermost edges of its continually shifting contours.
\nU.S. presidents have sought his advice. Likewise legislators, academicians, nonprofit business managers, association leaders, charity directors and many others. The reason is simple: Perry Weitz is a man of ideas, with the clarity of vision that makes his a voice much sought-after — and sought-after in particular by those who lack a voice of their own.
\nCase in point: 36 shipyard workers dying or dead of the terrifying, aggressive cancer known as mesothelioma, which each of them contracted after being exposed on the job to the toxic mineral asbestos. Outraged over the story of unconscionable suffering and loss told by each victim at their first meeting with him, Mr. Weitz lost no time building a powerful case against the operators of the Brooklyn, N.Y., shipyard where the injuries occurred. So determined was he to win this for the workers that he put practically everything on the line – including his own home, mortgaged to raise money to cover the costs of legal research and evidence gathering. He proceeded despite the snickering of some veteran members of the personal-injury establishment, who believed the case hopeless and were sure Mr. Weitz would find only ruin in the end.
\nInstead, what Mr. Weitz found was victory — and a stunning $75-million award for the shipyard workers to compensate them for their massive medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.
\nMr. Weitz remembers the case as physically and emotionally exhausting, in part because it was tried simultaneously in two different courts — one at the state level, the other at the federal. He also remembers it as worth every last drop of sweat and tears, for it delivered justice far beyond the expectations of the victims. However, the case accomplished something more. It made plain that Perry Weitz and his young firm were together a force with which to be reckoned.
\nAfter having played a direct role in obtaining verdicts that, combined, grew to be worth a half-billion dollars, Perry Weitz decided it was time to hand off the job of engaging in courtroom combat to his team of extraordinary litigators while he focused on other, equally productive avenues of justice.
\nSettlement negotiations, for instance. Mr. Weitz is a masterful negotiator who has over and over persuaded defendants that it is in their own best interests to agree, out-of-court, to do the right thing and pay the plaintiffs a generous sum in settlement. The firm’s principal negotiator, Mr. Weitz has in this way wrested from defendant companies hundreds of millions of settlement dollars to end litigations involving asbestos, but also pharmaceuticals (such as DES, Vioxx, Baycol, Zyprexa, Rezulin, Seroquel and others), medical devices (silicone breast-implants, chiefly), and environmental pollution (his part in securing a $425-million settlement in a case where gasoline additive was alleged responsible for contaminating groundwater supplies earned him nomination as \"Trial Lawyer of the Year\" by the Public Justice Foundation). Mr. Weitz over the span of his career has been involved in settlements of more than 1,000 individual cases.
\nHis negotiating skills also prove invaluable in the realm of asbestos bankruptcy trusts where he serves on numerous trust advisory committees that oversee the process by which asbestos defendants, emerging from bankruptcy, are able to set aside funds for victims. Mr. Weitz helped fashion agreements to create asbestos bankruptcy trusts bearing the names of companies including W.R. Grace, Kaiser Aluminum, Harbison Walker, Armstrong World Industries, Pittsburgh Corning, Babcock & Wilcox, Owens Corning, Burns & Roe, AC&S, U.S. Gypsum, U.S. Mineral. North American Refractories. A.P. Green, and Kentile Floors.
\nWith success has come wide recognition. Not only is the law firm that Mr. Weitz jointly built now among the biggest names on the planet when it comes to mass-tort personal-injury litigation, but he himself is celebrated as one who harnessed courage and conviction to make something so great from so little.
\nUnderstandably, then, beginning in 2005, Mr. Weitz’s name has appeared annually without fail on the pages of New York Magazine to announce his selection as one of the area’s \"Best Lawyers.\" He also has repeatedly and consistently earned the title of \"Super Lawyer\" from a prestige organization that gauges the performance of attorneys across the nation. In 2011, the Trial Lawyers for Public Justice proclaimed him the recipient of its \"Champion of Justice\" award. In 2012, he was New York City \"Lawyer of the Year\" in the category of mass-torts litigation and class-action lawsuits on the plaintiffs’ side.
\nHis smashing legal triumphs naturally make him a much-in-demand lecturer and a fixture of national trial-law associations. He serves on the boards of the New York State Trial Lawyers Assn., Trial Lawyers for Public Justice, Legal Aid Society, and Jewish Lawyer Guild. Additionally, Mr. Weitz chairs the Tort and General Negligence sections of the New York County Lawyers Assn., and is a member of the Mass Tort Committee of the American Association for Justice. For Hofstra University — his law school alma mater — Mr. Weitz acts as dean's counsel.
\nPerry Weitz holds that no greater source of joy exists in the world than the privilege of providing help to those who lack the means of helping themselves. Thus, volunteerism and its close-cousin, philanthropy, are for him potent spurs to action. He occupies a seat on the board of trustees of North Shore University Hospital, and is a member of the men’s division executive committees for both the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation and the Children's Medical Fund (the latter affiliated with Schneider Children's Hospital).
\n\nRenowned environmental and consumer class action attorney Robin Greenwald, Esq., is one of our distinguished “of counsel” lawyers — meaning, she possesses knowledge and skills that make her of incalculable special importance to our clients and to us.
A former Assistant United States Attorney and Assistant Chief of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Environmental Crimes Section, Ms. Greenwald today heads the Weitz & Luxenberg Environmental Toxic Torts and Consumer Protection Litigation group. She joined Weitz & Luxenberg in 2005 and has since then led her team to several notable triumphs — most recently a trial and a class action settlement as a member of the Plaintiffs Steering Committee in the 2010 British Petroleum oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Her efforts helped to secure full compensation for hundreds of thousands of innocent victims of the spill.
She also successfully served the firm as lead counsel in multidistrict litigation against more than 50 petroleum companies for contaminating the nation’s groundwater with the gasoline additive MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether). Her efforts helped to create new law on theories of market share liability and successfully defended against defendants’ preemption arguments.
She is also liaison counsel in the consumer class action against General Motors for knowingly selling several models of vehicles equipped with an ignition switch defect that caused catastrophic injuries and economic loss to those who own the vehicles. She has also brought several lawsuits against insurance carriers and laptop computer makers for breaching individual’s privacy.
Prior to her arrival at Weitz & Luxenberg, Ms. Greenwald was a Clinical Professor of environmental law at Rutgers University School of Law and Director of that institution’s Environmental Law Clinic. From 2001-03, Ms. Greenwald served as Executive Director of the international nonprofit water-conservation organization, Waterkeeper Alliance.
Earlier, beginning in 1999, the U.S. Department of the Interior chose her to serve as General Counsel in the office of its Inspector General. Some years prior to that, she held the position of Deputy Chief in the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Brooklyn, New York and Assistant Chief of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Environmental Crimes Unit in charge of Legislation, Policy and Special Litigation, in Washington, DC.
","CountryCode":"US","CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-biography highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-white background-dark-blue-gray background-dark-blue-gray-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBio","ViewName":"LawyerBio","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBio.cshtml"},"Contact":null,"Pages":[{"IsLoty":false,"LotyBadgeUrl":null,"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerId":0,"LawyerFullName":"Robin L. Greenwald","LawyerGivenName":"Robin L.","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Greenwald","LawyerInitials":"RG","HasFirmProfile":false,"FirmProfileUrl":null,"FirmName":"Weitz & Luxenberg P.C. ","RecognizedSinceYear":2020,"LocationName":"New York City, New York","CountryCode":"US","TrafficId":259067,"TrafficCategory":"lawyer","PracticeAreas":["Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs","Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions - Plaintiffs","Product Liability Litigation - Plaintiffs","Consumer Protection Law"],"SpecificFocuses":[],"CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-basic-info card-lawyer-bl highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-white-lg background-white-lg-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewName":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBasicInfo.cshtml"},{"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerFullName":"Robin L. Greenwald","LawyerGivenName":"Robin L.","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Greenwald","LawyerInitials":"RG","Biography":"Renowned environmental and consumer class action attorney Robin Greenwald, Esq., is one of our distinguished “of counsel” lawyers — meaning, she possesses knowledge and skills that make her of incalculable special importance to our clients and to us.
A former Assistant United States Attorney and Assistant Chief of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Environmental Crimes Section, Ms. Greenwald today heads the Weitz & Luxenberg Environmental Toxic Torts and Consumer Protection Litigation group. She joined Weitz & Luxenberg in 2005 and has since then led her team to several notable triumphs — most recently a trial and a class action settlement as a member of the Plaintiffs Steering Committee in the 2010 British Petroleum oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Her efforts helped to secure full compensation for hundreds of thousands of innocent victims of the spill.
She also successfully served the firm as lead counsel in multidistrict litigation against more than 50 petroleum companies for contaminating the nation’s groundwater with the gasoline additive MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether). Her efforts helped to create new law on theories of market share liability and successfully defended against defendants’ preemption arguments.
She is also liaison counsel in the consumer class action against General Motors for knowingly selling several models of vehicles equipped with an ignition switch defect that caused catastrophic injuries and economic loss to those who own the vehicles. She has also brought several lawsuits against insurance carriers and laptop computer makers for breaching individual’s privacy.
Prior to her arrival at Weitz & Luxenberg, Ms. Greenwald was a Clinical Professor of environmental law at Rutgers University School of Law and Director of that institution’s Environmental Law Clinic. From 2001-03, Ms. Greenwald served as Executive Director of the international nonprofit water-conservation organization, Waterkeeper Alliance.
Earlier, beginning in 1999, the U.S. Department of the Interior chose her to serve as General Counsel in the office of its Inspector General. Some years prior to that, she held the position of Deputy Chief in the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Brooklyn, New York and Assistant Chief of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Environmental Crimes Unit in charge of Legislation, Policy and Special Litigation, in Washington, DC.
","CountryCode":"US","CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-biography highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-white background-dark-blue-gray background-dark-blue-gray-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBio","ViewName":"LawyerBio","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBio.cshtml"},null],"ViewName":"Paged","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Paged.cshtml","CssClass":"card d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-transparent swiper-slide","AriaLabel":"Paged"},{"BasicInfo":{"IsLoty":false,"LotyBadgeUrl":null,"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerId":0,"LawyerFullName":"Daniel P. O'Toole","LawyerGivenName":"Daniel P.","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"O'Toole","LawyerInitials":"DO","HasFirmProfile":false,"FirmProfileUrl":null,"FirmName":"Block O'Toole & Murphy","RecognizedSinceYear":2014,"LocationName":"New York City, New York","CountryCode":"US","TrafficId":158204,"TrafficCategory":"lawyer","PracticeAreas":["Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs"],"SpecificFocuses":[],"CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-basic-info card-lawyer-bl highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-white-lg background-white-lg-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewName":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBasicInfo.cshtml"},"Biography":{"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerFullName":"Daniel P. O'Toole","LawyerGivenName":"Daniel P.","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"O'Toole","LawyerInitials":"DO","Biography":"Daniel P. O’Toole is an award-winning trial attorney known for his record-breaking results in some of the toughest personal injury cases in New York, including verdicts of $110 million, $32 million, $30 million, and $20 million among others. In 2017, Mr. O’Toole obtained the highest mediated settlement that year ($12 million for a construction worker) and the second highest overall settlement in all of New York State ($13.5 million for car accident victim). Most recently, he obtained a $110,174,972.38 jury verdict for a cyclist paralyzed by a falling railroad tie during subway maintenance. The result is believed to be the largest non-medical malpractice verdict in New York State.
As Partner at the Manhattan-based personal injury law firm Block O’Toole & Murphy, Mr. O’Toole focuses his legal practice on representing the rights of accident victims in cases of:
Named as one of the top 100 trial lawyers in the country from 2009 through 2018 by the American Trial Lawyers Association, Mr. O’Toole is the lead attorney in some of the most significant accident cases in New York, securing more than $350,000,000 in verdicts and settlements for his clients in the last six years alone. He is honored by numerous organizations including Best Lawyers, US News, Super Lawyers, and the Brehon Law Society in New York.
Mr. O’Toole is a fierce advocate for the legal rights of injury victims and has written thought leadership articles for the legal publications such as the New York Law Journal. He is active in the New York State Trial Lawyers Association where he served as the Co-Chairman of the association’s Labor Law Committee for over a decade.
Additionally, Mr. O’Toole is committed to charitable organizations within his community as an active supporter of St. Jude Children’s Hospital, the Connecticut Center for Child Development and the Institute of Education Achievement. He demonstrates the highest commitment to continuing education, providing scholarships to students throughout New Jersey. A graduate of Fordham Law School, he and his wife have also endowed a need-based scholarship at Fordham Law in thanksgiving for all that Fordham helped him achieve.
He is admitted to both New York and New Jersey bars.
","CountryCode":"US","CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-biography highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-white background-dark-blue-gray background-dark-blue-gray-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBio","ViewName":"LawyerBio","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBio.cshtml"},"Contact":null,"Pages":[{"IsLoty":false,"LotyBadgeUrl":null,"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerId":0,"LawyerFullName":"Daniel P. O'Toole","LawyerGivenName":"Daniel P.","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"O'Toole","LawyerInitials":"DO","HasFirmProfile":false,"FirmProfileUrl":null,"FirmName":"Block O'Toole & Murphy","RecognizedSinceYear":2014,"LocationName":"New York City, New York","CountryCode":"US","TrafficId":158204,"TrafficCategory":"lawyer","PracticeAreas":["Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs"],"SpecificFocuses":[],"CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-basic-info card-lawyer-bl highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-white-lg background-white-lg-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewName":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBasicInfo.cshtml"},{"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerFullName":"Daniel P. O'Toole","LawyerGivenName":"Daniel P.","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"O'Toole","LawyerInitials":"DO","Biography":"Daniel P. O’Toole is an award-winning trial attorney known for his record-breaking results in some of the toughest personal injury cases in New York, including verdicts of $110 million, $32 million, $30 million, and $20 million among others. In 2017, Mr. O’Toole obtained the highest mediated settlement that year ($12 million for a construction worker) and the second highest overall settlement in all of New York State ($13.5 million for car accident victim). Most recently, he obtained a $110,174,972.38 jury verdict for a cyclist paralyzed by a falling railroad tie during subway maintenance. The result is believed to be the largest non-medical malpractice verdict in New York State.
As Partner at the Manhattan-based personal injury law firm Block O’Toole & Murphy, Mr. O’Toole focuses his legal practice on representing the rights of accident victims in cases of:
Named as one of the top 100 trial lawyers in the country from 2009 through 2018 by the American Trial Lawyers Association, Mr. O’Toole is the lead attorney in some of the most significant accident cases in New York, securing more than $350,000,000 in verdicts and settlements for his clients in the last six years alone. He is honored by numerous organizations including Best Lawyers, US News, Super Lawyers, and the Brehon Law Society in New York.
Mr. O’Toole is a fierce advocate for the legal rights of injury victims and has written thought leadership articles for the legal publications such as the New York Law Journal. He is active in the New York State Trial Lawyers Association where he served as the Co-Chairman of the association’s Labor Law Committee for over a decade.
Additionally, Mr. O’Toole is committed to charitable organizations within his community as an active supporter of St. Jude Children’s Hospital, the Connecticut Center for Child Development and the Institute of Education Achievement. He demonstrates the highest commitment to continuing education, providing scholarships to students throughout New Jersey. A graduate of Fordham Law School, he and his wife have also endowed a need-based scholarship at Fordham Law in thanksgiving for all that Fordham helped him achieve.
He is admitted to both New York and New Jersey bars.
","CountryCode":"US","CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-biography highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-white background-dark-blue-gray background-dark-blue-gray-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBio","ViewName":"LawyerBio","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBio.cshtml"},null],"ViewName":"Paged","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Paged.cshtml","CssClass":"card d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-transparent swiper-slide","AriaLabel":"Paged"},{"BasicInfo":{"IsLoty":false,"LotyBadgeUrl":null,"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerId":0,"LawyerFullName":"David Scher","LawyerGivenName":"David","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Scher","LawyerInitials":"DS","HasFirmProfile":false,"FirmProfileUrl":null,"FirmName":"Block O'Toole & Murphy","RecognizedSinceYear":2024,"LocationName":"New York City, New York","CountryCode":"US","TrafficId":173507,"TrafficCategory":"lawyer","PracticeAreas":["Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs"],"SpecificFocuses":[],"CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-basic-info card-lawyer-bl highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-white-lg background-white-lg-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewName":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBasicInfo.cshtml"},"Biography":{"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerFullName":"David Scher","LawyerGivenName":"David","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Scher","LawyerInitials":"DS","Biography":"With more than 20 years of experience fighting for victims of catastrophic accidents at the Law Firm of Block O’Toole & Murphy, Partner David Scher has earned his reputation among New York State’s most respected names in personal injury law. As a law student at Fordham University School of Law, Mr. Scher worked for the New York State Attorney General’s Office and served as a law clerk for New York Supreme Court Justice Shirley Kornreich, besides volunteering for a civil rights legal aid clinic. After graduating, he began and built his career at Block O’Toole & Murphy.
A partner at Block O’Toole & Murphy since 2012, Mr. Scher has developed a reputation for achieving landmark results, with a total in excess of $100 million. His many successes include multi-million-dollar settlements on behalf of workers injured on the job, auto and pedestrian accident victims, and surviving families in wrongful death cases.
Mr. Scher is the head of Block O’Toole & Murphy’s appellate practice. He regularly argues before the Appellate Division and has appeared before New York State’s highest court, the Court of Appeals. An authority on the Labor Laws that govern worker safety in New York State, Mr. Scher is a passionate advocate for workers, successfully handling several appeals which rank among the most important decisions pertaining to construction site safety and workers’ rights in New York.
On behalf of over 5,000 New York State trial lawyers, he wrote an amicus curiae brief to the Court of Appeals which resulted in the Ortiz v. Varsity Holdings decision, which adopted his position, expanding the protections afforded to construction workers that fall from heights.
In 2023, Mr. Scher was installed as the 56th president of the New York State Trial Lawyers Association (NYSTLA). As president of NYSTLA, Mr. Scher has advocated for the passage of the Grieving Families Act, a bill, with overwhelming bipartisan support, which seeks to update the state’s wrongful death statute to allow family members in wrongful death cases to seek compensation for pain and suffering resulting from the loss of their loved one. He sits on NYSTLA’s Board of Directors and on several other committees.
Mr. Scher’s expertise is frequently sought out within the field. He has authored many articles for the New York Law Journal and other legal publications, frequently lectures to attorneys around the state about handling construction accident cases, and has appeared as an expert on panels that educate lawyers on best litigation practices. In education as in personal injury and trial, he is committed to bringing out the best in those around him and making New York State the best it can be for clients, workers, his fellow attorneys, and all who prioritize justice. “We’re all on a journey here to seek the truth,” he says of his role in relation to others in the courtroom. “That’s our job. We’re in this together.”
With more than 20 years of experience fighting for victims of catastrophic accidents at the Law Firm of Block O’Toole & Murphy, Partner David Scher has earned his reputation among New York State’s most respected names in personal injury law. As a law student at Fordham University School of Law, Mr. Scher worked for the New York State Attorney General’s Office and served as a law clerk for New York Supreme Court Justice Shirley Kornreich, besides volunteering for a civil rights legal aid clinic. After graduating, he began and built his career at Block O’Toole & Murphy.
A partner at Block O’Toole & Murphy since 2012, Mr. Scher has developed a reputation for achieving landmark results, with a total in excess of $100 million. His many successes include multi-million-dollar settlements on behalf of workers injured on the job, auto and pedestrian accident victims, and surviving families in wrongful death cases.
Mr. Scher is the head of Block O’Toole & Murphy’s appellate practice. He regularly argues before the Appellate Division and has appeared before New York State’s highest court, the Court of Appeals. An authority on the Labor Laws that govern worker safety in New York State, Mr. Scher is a passionate advocate for workers, successfully handling several appeals which rank among the most important decisions pertaining to construction site safety and workers’ rights in New York.
On behalf of over 5,000 New York State trial lawyers, he wrote an amicus curiae brief to the Court of Appeals which resulted in the Ortiz v. Varsity Holdings decision, which adopted his position, expanding the protections afforded to construction workers that fall from heights.
In 2023, Mr. Scher was installed as the 56th president of the New York State Trial Lawyers Association (NYSTLA). As president of NYSTLA, Mr. Scher has advocated for the passage of the Grieving Families Act, a bill, with overwhelming bipartisan support, which seeks to update the state’s wrongful death statute to allow family members in wrongful death cases to seek compensation for pain and suffering resulting from the loss of their loved one. He sits on NYSTLA’s Board of Directors and on several other committees.
Mr. Scher’s expertise is frequently sought out within the field. He has authored many articles for the New York Law Journal and other legal publications, frequently lectures to attorneys around the state about handling construction accident cases, and has appeared as an expert on panels that educate lawyers on best litigation practices. In education as in personal injury and trial, he is committed to bringing out the best in those around him and making New York State the best it can be for clients, workers, his fellow attorneys, and all who prioritize justice. “We’re all on a journey here to seek the truth,” he says of his role in relation to others in the courtroom. “That’s our job. We’re in this together.”
Jeffrey A. Block is the founding partner at the New York-based personal injury law firm Block O’Toole & Murphy. His career has been marked by a series of remarkable results, yielding more than 200 case resolutions exceeding $1,000,000.
For over 30 years, Mr. Block has handled a wide variety of cases, including construction accidents, motor vehicle accidents, medical malpractice, and premises liability. His passion for fighting for the underdog has guided his career and helped him garner considerable verdicts and settlements for his clients, including a $53.5 million jury verdict for a paralyzed construction worker, a $14,000,000 result (reported to be the highest non-medical malpractice verdict ever in Nassau County), a $12,000,000 settlement (with a $71,643,000 expected payout) for a child hit by a car, and a $10,875,000 settlement for a construction worker hurt on the job.
His legal acumen, dedication to his clients, and track record of success have earned him the respect of fellow trial attorneys, many of whom call upon him to serve as trial counsel for their most significant cases. For over a decade, Mr. Block has been elected as a “Super Lawyer” in New York State, identifying him as one of the top five percent of New York personal injury trial lawyers. He has also been selected by his peers to be included in Best Lawyers and was honored as one of the “Top 100 Trial Lawyers in New York State” by The National Trial Lawyers organization.
Additionally, Mr. Block devotes his spare time to raising money for numerous charities and causes, including the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, where he and his firm partners have raised over $5 million for the hospital. He is also a major donor to The Frances Pope Memorial Foundation, Candlelighters of New York City, and various other organizations. In 2017, along with his wife, Maritza, he organized a fundraising drive to send supplies to the island of Puerto Rico after the devastation of Hurricane Maria.
","CountryCode":"US","CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-biography highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-white background-dark-blue-gray background-dark-blue-gray-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBio","ViewName":"LawyerBio","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBio.cshtml"},"Contact":null,"Pages":[{"IsLoty":false,"LotyBadgeUrl":null,"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerId":0,"LawyerFullName":"Jeffrey A. Block","LawyerGivenName":"Jeffrey A.","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Block","LawyerInitials":"JB","HasFirmProfile":false,"FirmProfileUrl":null,"FirmName":"Block O'Toole & Murphy","RecognizedSinceYear":2015,"LocationName":"New York City, New York","CountryCode":"US","TrafficId":158222,"TrafficCategory":"lawyer","PracticeAreas":["Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs","Product Liability Litigation - Plaintiffs"],"SpecificFocuses":[],"CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-basic-info card-lawyer-bl highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-white-lg background-white-lg-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewName":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBasicInfo.cshtml"},{"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerFullName":"Jeffrey A. Block","LawyerGivenName":"Jeffrey A.","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Block","LawyerInitials":"JB","Biography":"Jeffrey A. Block is the founding partner at the New York-based personal injury law firm Block O’Toole & Murphy. His career has been marked by a series of remarkable results, yielding more than 200 case resolutions exceeding $1,000,000.
For over 30 years, Mr. Block has handled a wide variety of cases, including construction accidents, motor vehicle accidents, medical malpractice, and premises liability. His passion for fighting for the underdog has guided his career and helped him garner considerable verdicts and settlements for his clients, including a $53.5 million jury verdict for a paralyzed construction worker, a $14,000,000 result (reported to be the highest non-medical malpractice verdict ever in Nassau County), a $12,000,000 settlement (with a $71,643,000 expected payout) for a child hit by a car, and a $10,875,000 settlement for a construction worker hurt on the job.
His legal acumen, dedication to his clients, and track record of success have earned him the respect of fellow trial attorneys, many of whom call upon him to serve as trial counsel for their most significant cases. For over a decade, Mr. Block has been elected as a “Super Lawyer” in New York State, identifying him as one of the top five percent of New York personal injury trial lawyers. He has also been selected by his peers to be included in Best Lawyers and was honored as one of the “Top 100 Trial Lawyers in New York State” by The National Trial Lawyers organization.
Additionally, Mr. Block devotes his spare time to raising money for numerous charities and causes, including the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, where he and his firm partners have raised over $5 million for the hospital. He is also a major donor to The Frances Pope Memorial Foundation, Candlelighters of New York City, and various other organizations. In 2017, along with his wife, Maritza, he organized a fundraising drive to send supplies to the island of Puerto Rico after the devastation of Hurricane Maria.
","CountryCode":"US","CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-biography highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-white background-dark-blue-gray background-dark-blue-gray-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBio","ViewName":"LawyerBio","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBio.cshtml"},null],"ViewName":"Paged","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Paged.cshtml","CssClass":"card d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-transparent swiper-slide","AriaLabel":"Paged"},{"BasicInfo":{"IsLoty":false,"LotyBadgeUrl":null,"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerId":0,"LawyerFullName":"S. Joseph Donahue","LawyerGivenName":"S. Joseph","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Donahue","LawyerInitials":"SD","HasFirmProfile":false,"FirmProfileUrl":null,"FirmName":"Block O'Toole & Murphy","RecognizedSinceYear":2024,"LocationName":"New York City, New York","CountryCode":"US","TrafficId":158206,"TrafficCategory":"lawyer","PracticeAreas":["Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs"],"SpecificFocuses":[],"CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-basic-info card-lawyer-bl highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-white-lg background-white-lg-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewName":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBasicInfo.cshtml"},"Biography":{"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerFullName":"S. Joseph Donahue","LawyerGivenName":"S. Joseph","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Donahue","LawyerInitials":"SD","Biography":"S. Joseph Donahue joined Block O’Toole & Murphy in 2005. Shortly thereafter, he was named a Partner of the firm in 2012, having achieved several landmark verdicts and settlement outcomes, including a $53,500,000 verdict for a paralyzed construction worker. During his eighteen-year tenure at Block O’Toole & Murphy, Mr. Donahue has attained more than $200,000,000 for his clients, with focused attention on accidents in the areas of construction, motor vehicles, tractor trailers, and medical malpractice cases.
During his twenty-seven-year legal career, Mr. Donahue has earned a reputation as a skilled trial lawyer. After graduating from The City University of New York School of Law in 1997, he landed a job as Assistant District Attorney in Brooklyn, where he investigated thousands of criminal cases and fought successfully for crime victims in front of the New York State Grand Jury. He was later promoted to Senior Assistant District Attorney, prosecuting violent atrocities such as homicides, shootings, and robberies. It was during this time that Mr. Donahue’s idea of success began to shift. “When a wife, husband, or parent comes to me and says, ‘You obtained justice for my loved one’—that’s when I feel most successful,” he said. “That’s the best success you can have.”
After leaving the District Attorney’s Office in 2003, Mr. Donahue shifted to work at a prominent New York City firm specializing in medical malpractice litigation. There, he represented hospitals and physicians accused of medical malpractice in the fields of cardiology, obstetrics and gynecology, neurosurgery, general surgery, and failure to diagnose cancer. He brings this expertise to his work at Block O’Toole & Murphy.
“I’ve been doing this a long time, and I still learn something new in every trial,” Mr. Donahue said. “Every trial should pose a challenge—a new opportunity to learn. If you don’t learn something new each time, you’re either full of it, or you’re not looking to learn.”
Mr. Donahue’s reputation as a trial lawyer has earned him various recognitions and awards, including his selection to “New York Super Lawyers” from 2011-2023, recognizing him as one of the top 5% of lawyers in his field. Mr. Donahue was also named as one of New York State’s “Top 1% Trial Counsel for Medical Malpractice,” and he earned membership to both The Million Dollar Advocates Forum and The Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum.
What Mr. Donahue loves most about being a lawyer is making a difference—something that hasn’t changed for him, even after so many years. “Every single day that I come into Block O’Toole & Murphy, I know that I’m going to potentially make a difference in someone’s life—someone who is seriously injured, whose life has been turned upside down,” he said. “I think a lot of people in our industry view cases in terms of how much money they will make off someone else’s hardship. We look at things in terms of how we’re going to help someone.”
Mr. Donahue and his wife have two teenage sons.
","CountryCode":"US","CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-biography highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-white background-dark-blue-gray background-dark-blue-gray-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBio","ViewName":"LawyerBio","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBio.cshtml"},"Contact":null,"Pages":[{"IsLoty":false,"LotyBadgeUrl":null,"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerId":0,"LawyerFullName":"S. Joseph Donahue","LawyerGivenName":"S. Joseph","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Donahue","LawyerInitials":"SD","HasFirmProfile":false,"FirmProfileUrl":null,"FirmName":"Block O'Toole & Murphy","RecognizedSinceYear":2024,"LocationName":"New York City, New York","CountryCode":"US","TrafficId":158206,"TrafficCategory":"lawyer","PracticeAreas":["Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs"],"SpecificFocuses":[],"CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-basic-info card-lawyer-bl highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-white-lg background-white-lg-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewName":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBasicInfo.cshtml"},{"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerFullName":"S. Joseph Donahue","LawyerGivenName":"S. Joseph","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Donahue","LawyerInitials":"SD","Biography":"S. Joseph Donahue joined Block O’Toole & Murphy in 2005. Shortly thereafter, he was named a Partner of the firm in 2012, having achieved several landmark verdicts and settlement outcomes, including a $53,500,000 verdict for a paralyzed construction worker. During his eighteen-year tenure at Block O’Toole & Murphy, Mr. Donahue has attained more than $200,000,000 for his clients, with focused attention on accidents in the areas of construction, motor vehicles, tractor trailers, and medical malpractice cases.
During his twenty-seven-year legal career, Mr. Donahue has earned a reputation as a skilled trial lawyer. After graduating from The City University of New York School of Law in 1997, he landed a job as Assistant District Attorney in Brooklyn, where he investigated thousands of criminal cases and fought successfully for crime victims in front of the New York State Grand Jury. He was later promoted to Senior Assistant District Attorney, prosecuting violent atrocities such as homicides, shootings, and robberies. It was during this time that Mr. Donahue’s idea of success began to shift. “When a wife, husband, or parent comes to me and says, ‘You obtained justice for my loved one’—that’s when I feel most successful,” he said. “That’s the best success you can have.”
After leaving the District Attorney’s Office in 2003, Mr. Donahue shifted to work at a prominent New York City firm specializing in medical malpractice litigation. There, he represented hospitals and physicians accused of medical malpractice in the fields of cardiology, obstetrics and gynecology, neurosurgery, general surgery, and failure to diagnose cancer. He brings this expertise to his work at Block O’Toole & Murphy.
“I’ve been doing this a long time, and I still learn something new in every trial,” Mr. Donahue said. “Every trial should pose a challenge—a new opportunity to learn. If you don’t learn something new each time, you’re either full of it, or you’re not looking to learn.”
Mr. Donahue’s reputation as a trial lawyer has earned him various recognitions and awards, including his selection to “New York Super Lawyers” from 2011-2023, recognizing him as one of the top 5% of lawyers in his field. Mr. Donahue was also named as one of New York State’s “Top 1% Trial Counsel for Medical Malpractice,” and he earned membership to both The Million Dollar Advocates Forum and The Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum.
What Mr. Donahue loves most about being a lawyer is making a difference—something that hasn’t changed for him, even after so many years. “Every single day that I come into Block O’Toole & Murphy, I know that I’m going to potentially make a difference in someone’s life—someone who is seriously injured, whose life has been turned upside down,” he said. “I think a lot of people in our industry view cases in terms of how much money they will make off someone else’s hardship. We look at things in terms of how we’re going to help someone.”
Mr. Donahue and his wife have two teenage sons.
","CountryCode":"US","CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-biography highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-white background-dark-blue-gray background-dark-blue-gray-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBio","ViewName":"LawyerBio","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBio.cshtml"},null],"ViewName":"Paged","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Paged.cshtml","CssClass":"card d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-transparent swiper-slide","AriaLabel":"Paged"},{"BasicInfo":{"IsLoty":false,"LotyBadgeUrl":null,"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerId":0,"LawyerFullName":"Stephen J. Murphy","LawyerGivenName":"Stephen J.","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Murphy","LawyerInitials":"SM","HasFirmProfile":false,"FirmProfileUrl":null,"FirmName":"Block O'Toole & Murphy","RecognizedSinceYear":2014,"LocationName":"New York City, New York","CountryCode":"US","TrafficId":158207,"TrafficCategory":"lawyer","PracticeAreas":["Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs"],"SpecificFocuses":[],"CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-basic-info card-lawyer-bl highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-white-lg background-white-lg-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewName":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBasicInfo.cshtml"},"Biography":{"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerFullName":"Stephen J. Murphy","LawyerGivenName":"Stephen J.","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Murphy","LawyerInitials":"SM","Biography":"Stephen J. Murphy joined Block O’Toole & Murphy after a successful career as a homicide prosecutor for the Brooklyn District Attorney’s office. Best known for his work in the courtroom, Mr. Murphy handles a wide variety of personal injury cases, but his main focus is serious construction accidents and catastrophic personal injury cases.
As a partner at the New York City law firm since 2008, Mr. Murphy has already amassed extremely impressive results, regularly returning verdicts and settlements over a million dollars. In his 16 years of civil practice, he has garnered over $400,000,000 in results for clients. Since 2013, he has averaged well over $40,000,000 in settlements every year. In 2021, he was the lead attorney on the top three construction accident settlements in the entire Northeast, as reported in VerdictSearch’s 2021 Top Verdicts and Settlements report.
Prior to his career at BOM, Mr. Murphy was appointed by the District Attorney to the Homicide Bureau, making him the youngest attorney there at the time. He earned a reputation as a tough but fair prosecutor, successfully handling several high-profile murder cases, including double and triple murders, arson homicides, and child murders. In addition to his trial work, Mr. Murphy served as an Adjunct Professor of Law with St. John's School of Law for nine years. Under their trial advocacy program, his students won national championships in trial competitions five of the nine years he was involved.
Described as one of the \"Top Attorneys in New York” by The New York Times, Mr. Murphy has earned multiple accolades from both his peers and opponents. He is recognized by various notable legal organizations including Super Lawyers, Best Lawyers in America, National Trial Lawyers, Irish Legal 100, and Brehon Law Society. He has also appeared as a guest host and commentator on civil and criminal cases for many local and national media outlets, including Court TV, Fox Radio, The New York Post, New York Daily News, and Newsday. In addition, Mr. Murphy has been published in The New York Law Journal for a series of columns that he co-authored with colleague David Scher regarding construction accident law.
Outside of the office, Mr. Murphy volunteers his time for various charities and fundraisers. One that is very dear to his heart is St. Jude Children’s Hospital, where he serves as an active member of the fundraising team, raising over $5,000,000 for the organization. For over ten years, Mr. Murphy, along with the other partners at Block O’Toole & Murphy, has hosted an annual Autumn Wine Tasting in support of St. Jude, bringing together local restaurants and vendors to help raise funds for the research of childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases.
Stephen J. Murphy joined Block O’Toole & Murphy after a successful career as a homicide prosecutor for the Brooklyn District Attorney’s office. Best known for his work in the courtroom, Mr. Murphy handles a wide variety of personal injury cases, but his main focus is serious construction accidents and catastrophic personal injury cases.
As a partner at the New York City law firm since 2008, Mr. Murphy has already amassed extremely impressive results, regularly returning verdicts and settlements over a million dollars. In his 16 years of civil practice, he has garnered over $400,000,000 in results for clients. Since 2013, he has averaged well over $40,000,000 in settlements every year. In 2021, he was the lead attorney on the top three construction accident settlements in the entire Northeast, as reported in VerdictSearch’s 2021 Top Verdicts and Settlements report.
Prior to his career at BOM, Mr. Murphy was appointed by the District Attorney to the Homicide Bureau, making him the youngest attorney there at the time. He earned a reputation as a tough but fair prosecutor, successfully handling several high-profile murder cases, including double and triple murders, arson homicides, and child murders. In addition to his trial work, Mr. Murphy served as an Adjunct Professor of Law with St. John's School of Law for nine years. Under their trial advocacy program, his students won national championships in trial competitions five of the nine years he was involved.
Described as one of the \"Top Attorneys in New York” by The New York Times, Mr. Murphy has earned multiple accolades from both his peers and opponents. He is recognized by various notable legal organizations including Super Lawyers, Best Lawyers in America, National Trial Lawyers, Irish Legal 100, and Brehon Law Society. He has also appeared as a guest host and commentator on civil and criminal cases for many local and national media outlets, including Court TV, Fox Radio, The New York Post, New York Daily News, and Newsday. In addition, Mr. Murphy has been published in The New York Law Journal for a series of columns that he co-authored with colleague David Scher regarding construction accident law.
Outside of the office, Mr. Murphy volunteers his time for various charities and fundraisers. One that is very dear to his heart is St. Jude Children’s Hospital, where he serves as an active member of the fundraising team, raising over $5,000,000 for the organization. For over ten years, Mr. Murphy, along with the other partners at Block O’Toole & Murphy, has hosted an annual Autumn Wine Tasting in support of St. Jude, bringing together local restaurants and vendors to help raise funds for the research of childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases.
Throughout his 30-year legal career, Ben Rubinowitz has made his mark as a leading trial lawyer combining hard work and dedication with his remarkable courtroom skills and presence. Ben was voted Best Lawyer's \"Lawyer of the Year\" 6th times including twice this year: first for \"Personal Injury Law – Plaintiff in New York City\" and a second time for \"Product Liability Law – Plaintiff in New York City\". Ben was also voted “Lawyer of the Year” in 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2013 .
Mr. Rubinowitz began his career as a prosecutor, where he honed the trial skills that would become his hallmark. From there, he began serving as a trial lawyer representing severely injured plaintiffs in personal injury cases, eventually joining Gair, Gair, Conason, Rubinowitz, Bloom, Hershenhorn, Steigman & Mackauf in 1989.
For the past 16 years Mr. Rubinowitz was featured in New York Magazines' article on \"Best Lawyers in New York\". For the past 2 years Ben has been recognized in the New York Times as one of the \"Top 10\" lawyers in the New York Metro area, as evaluated by New York Super Lawyers. Ben was honored by being elected to be a member of the prestigious Inner Circle of Advocates. The Inner Circle of Advocates is limited to 100 members considered among the best plaintiffs’ attorneys in the United States and also to be \"lawyers of excellent character and integrity”.
\"Ben's meticulous approach to the preparation and trial of cases has produced 28 verdicts and over 180 settlements in excess of one million dollars in cases arising out of car accidents, premises accidents, construction accidents, medical malpractice, civil rights violations and products liability. Mr. Rubinowitz has a thorough grasp of the nuances of complex issues. This, coupled with his ability to translate complicated information into clear terms for a jury, has left an indelible impression on all those who have witnessed him in action--including even defendants' medical experts that he has cross-examined.
In addition to his skills as a trial lawyer, Mr. Rubinowitz has successfully argued appellate cases before the Appellate Division and the highest court in the State of New York, the Court of Appeals.Mr. Rubinowitz's experience and legal acumen is also sought out outside of the courtroom. He has appeared as a legal expert on Court TV and co-authors a regular column in the NY Law Journal on the subject of trial advocacy. His successes as a trial lawyer and expertise in his field have earned him national recognition as a trial advocacy teacher both to attorneys and to law students. Mr. Rubinowitz has lectured, chaired, and participated in seminars and programs at Harvard, Yale, Emory, Fordham, Hofstra, St. John's, Pace and Cardozo law schools, as well as more than 100 continuing legal education programs throughout the country and internationally. In recognition of his trial skills, Mr. Rubinowitz has been asked by the National Institute for Trial Advocacy to serve as a National Team Leader and thereafter, ultimately elected to the prestigious position of a National Board Member of the National Institute for Trial Advocacy. And, more recently, Mr. Rubinowitz was asked by the Duke University School of Medicine and Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons to lecture physicians about Medical Malpractice at the National Urologic Forum.For the past five years Mr. Rubinowitz has chaired the prestigious \"Masters of the Art of Trial Advocacy Program\" sponsored by the New York State Trial Lawyers Association. That program was a three-part seminar featuring only lawyers who have obtained multiple seven- and eight- figure verdicts for their clients. Due to his experience and skill, Mr. Rubinowitz was also asked to Chair the New York State Bar Association programs on Construction Site Accidents and The Basics of Civil Practice.Mr. Rubinowitz is a member of the exclusive Inner Circle of Advocates, The International Academy of Trial Lawyers, a Director of the New York State Trial Lawyers Association and a Past President of the American Board of Trial Advocates. Mr Rubinowitz holds an \"AV\" rating (highest rating) from the Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory, which is one of the oldest and best-known catalogues of lawyers in the United States.
Among Ben's recent Court victories are: a $59,200,000 verdict for a former high school student disfigured by a chemistry experiment, a $41,500,000 Verdict for the family of a city sanitation worker fatally struck by a street sweeper, this is one of the largest wrongful death award in Queens County; a $71,000,000 Verdict in a car accident case in which his client suffered Spinal Cord Injuries, this is the largest Verdict in the Country for this type of injury; a $27,500,000 verdict obtained in New York Supreme Court for a bus accident in which a woman, who was struck by a bus while crossing the street, lost her leg, this is the largest award in New York State history for this type of injury; a $26,000,000 settlement in a wrongful death claim by the husband of a woman struck and killed by a truck, this is one of the largest wrongful death awards in the country for the death of one person; a $17,250,000 verdict in a medical malpractice case in which a man was rendered partially incontinent as a result of a doctor committing medical malpractice, this case was tried to verdict in Syracuse, New York and is one of the largest verdicts ever obtained in that county; an $11,400,000 verdict for the sexual abuse of two teenagers; a $10,000,000 settlement for a woman who was rendered blind as a result of being struck by a drunk driver. Ben successfully argued this case before the highest Court in the State, The New York Court of Appeals winning a 7 to 0 decision for his client (to see the legal argument click here). Ben later settled this case during trial in Nassau County Supreme Court; an $8,000,000 settlement during trial in Queens, New York for a woman who suffered brain damage as a result of anesthesiologic malpractice; an $8,000,000 settlement obtained during trial for a baby rendered brain damaged shortly after birth and an $8,000,000 settlement on behalf of a man who lost his wife as result of the reckless conduct of a man who was driving while intoxicated.
Ben obtained a multi-million verdict for a bicyclist who was struck by a bus. The bicyclist suffered degloving injuries to her leg. Immediately following this verdict, the New York City Transit Authority settled a case with Ben for $6,500,000 for an 80 year old woman who suffered crush injuries to her feet. To date, Ben has obtained many of the largest awards ever on behalf of pedestrians and bicyclists struck by Buses and Trucks.
More recently, Ben secured the largest Pain and Suffering award ever in New York State history.
Ben is the Managing Partner at His firm.
","CountryCode":"US","CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-biography highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-white background-dark-blue-gray background-dark-blue-gray-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBio","ViewName":"LawyerBio","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBio.cshtml"},"Contact":null,"Pages":[{"IsLoty":false,"LotyBadgeUrl":null,"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerId":0,"LawyerFullName":"Ben B. Rubinowitz","LawyerGivenName":"Ben B.","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Rubinowitz","LawyerInitials":"BR","HasFirmProfile":false,"FirmProfileUrl":null,"FirmName":"Gair, Gair, Conason, Rubinowitz, Bloom, Hershenhorn, Steigman & Mackauf","RecognizedSinceYear":2003,"LocationName":"New York City, New York","CountryCode":"US","TrafficId":35364,"TrafficCategory":"lawyer","PracticeAreas":["Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs","Legal Malpractice Law - Plaintiffs","Medical Malpractice Law - Plaintiffs","Product Liability Litigation - Plaintiffs"],"SpecificFocuses":[],"CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-basic-info card-lawyer-bl highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-white-lg background-white-lg-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewName":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBasicInfo.cshtml"},{"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerFullName":"Ben B. Rubinowitz","LawyerGivenName":"Ben B.","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Rubinowitz","LawyerInitials":"BR","Biography":"Throughout his 30-year legal career, Ben Rubinowitz has made his mark as a leading trial lawyer combining hard work and dedication with his remarkable courtroom skills and presence. Ben was voted Best Lawyer's \"Lawyer of the Year\" 6th times including twice this year: first for \"Personal Injury Law – Plaintiff in New York City\" and a second time for \"Product Liability Law – Plaintiff in New York City\". Ben was also voted “Lawyer of the Year” in 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2013 .
Mr. Rubinowitz began his career as a prosecutor, where he honed the trial skills that would become his hallmark. From there, he began serving as a trial lawyer representing severely injured plaintiffs in personal injury cases, eventually joining Gair, Gair, Conason, Rubinowitz, Bloom, Hershenhorn, Steigman & Mackauf in 1989.
For the past 16 years Mr. Rubinowitz was featured in New York Magazines' article on \"Best Lawyers in New York\". For the past 2 years Ben has been recognized in the New York Times as one of the \"Top 10\" lawyers in the New York Metro area, as evaluated by New York Super Lawyers. Ben was honored by being elected to be a member of the prestigious Inner Circle of Advocates. The Inner Circle of Advocates is limited to 100 members considered among the best plaintiffs’ attorneys in the United States and also to be \"lawyers of excellent character and integrity”.
\"Ben's meticulous approach to the preparation and trial of cases has produced 28 verdicts and over 180 settlements in excess of one million dollars in cases arising out of car accidents, premises accidents, construction accidents, medical malpractice, civil rights violations and products liability. Mr. Rubinowitz has a thorough grasp of the nuances of complex issues. This, coupled with his ability to translate complicated information into clear terms for a jury, has left an indelible impression on all those who have witnessed him in action--including even defendants' medical experts that he has cross-examined.
In addition to his skills as a trial lawyer, Mr. Rubinowitz has successfully argued appellate cases before the Appellate Division and the highest court in the State of New York, the Court of Appeals.Mr. Rubinowitz's experience and legal acumen is also sought out outside of the courtroom. He has appeared as a legal expert on Court TV and co-authors a regular column in the NY Law Journal on the subject of trial advocacy. His successes as a trial lawyer and expertise in his field have earned him national recognition as a trial advocacy teacher both to attorneys and to law students. Mr. Rubinowitz has lectured, chaired, and participated in seminars and programs at Harvard, Yale, Emory, Fordham, Hofstra, St. John's, Pace and Cardozo law schools, as well as more than 100 continuing legal education programs throughout the country and internationally. In recognition of his trial skills, Mr. Rubinowitz has been asked by the National Institute for Trial Advocacy to serve as a National Team Leader and thereafter, ultimately elected to the prestigious position of a National Board Member of the National Institute for Trial Advocacy. And, more recently, Mr. Rubinowitz was asked by the Duke University School of Medicine and Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons to lecture physicians about Medical Malpractice at the National Urologic Forum.For the past five years Mr. Rubinowitz has chaired the prestigious \"Masters of the Art of Trial Advocacy Program\" sponsored by the New York State Trial Lawyers Association. That program was a three-part seminar featuring only lawyers who have obtained multiple seven- and eight- figure verdicts for their clients. Due to his experience and skill, Mr. Rubinowitz was also asked to Chair the New York State Bar Association programs on Construction Site Accidents and The Basics of Civil Practice.Mr. Rubinowitz is a member of the exclusive Inner Circle of Advocates, The International Academy of Trial Lawyers, a Director of the New York State Trial Lawyers Association and a Past President of the American Board of Trial Advocates. Mr Rubinowitz holds an \"AV\" rating (highest rating) from the Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory, which is one of the oldest and best-known catalogues of lawyers in the United States.
Among Ben's recent Court victories are: a $59,200,000 verdict for a former high school student disfigured by a chemistry experiment, a $41,500,000 Verdict for the family of a city sanitation worker fatally struck by a street sweeper, this is one of the largest wrongful death award in Queens County; a $71,000,000 Verdict in a car accident case in which his client suffered Spinal Cord Injuries, this is the largest Verdict in the Country for this type of injury; a $27,500,000 verdict obtained in New York Supreme Court for a bus accident in which a woman, who was struck by a bus while crossing the street, lost her leg, this is the largest award in New York State history for this type of injury; a $26,000,000 settlement in a wrongful death claim by the husband of a woman struck and killed by a truck, this is one of the largest wrongful death awards in the country for the death of one person; a $17,250,000 verdict in a medical malpractice case in which a man was rendered partially incontinent as a result of a doctor committing medical malpractice, this case was tried to verdict in Syracuse, New York and is one of the largest verdicts ever obtained in that county; an $11,400,000 verdict for the sexual abuse of two teenagers; a $10,000,000 settlement for a woman who was rendered blind as a result of being struck by a drunk driver. Ben successfully argued this case before the highest Court in the State, The New York Court of Appeals winning a 7 to 0 decision for his client (to see the legal argument click here). Ben later settled this case during trial in Nassau County Supreme Court; an $8,000,000 settlement during trial in Queens, New York for a woman who suffered brain damage as a result of anesthesiologic malpractice; an $8,000,000 settlement obtained during trial for a baby rendered brain damaged shortly after birth and an $8,000,000 settlement on behalf of a man who lost his wife as result of the reckless conduct of a man who was driving while intoxicated.
Ben obtained a multi-million verdict for a bicyclist who was struck by a bus. The bicyclist suffered degloving injuries to her leg. Immediately following this verdict, the New York City Transit Authority settled a case with Ben for $6,500,000 for an 80 year old woman who suffered crush injuries to her feet. To date, Ben has obtained many of the largest awards ever on behalf of pedestrians and bicyclists struck by Buses and Trucks.
More recently, Ben secured the largest Pain and Suffering award ever in New York State history.
Ben is the Managing Partner at His firm.
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McDonough works in Weitz & Luxenberg’s Drug and Medical Device Litigation practice group.. He plays a leading role in the firm’s efforts against Philips Respironics to hold the company responsible for injuries caused by their defective CPAP and BiPAP sleep apnea machines, which were recalled in June 2021.
“Our clients are suffering on a daily basis,” Mr. McDonough says. “Many of them have had to stop working, they have bills piling up, and their lives are essentially put on hold.
“At Weitz & Luxenberg, thinking about our clients and the harm they’ve suffered is what keeps us motivated. It is why I went to law school.
Sometimes the legal process takes years, but our clients keep us focused. We want to secure for them the best outcome possible.”
Mr. McDonough is currently representing Weitz & Luxenberg clients injured by Philips Respironics’ recalled CPAP, BiPAP, and mechanical ventilator devices, which are used in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea.
“Philips recalled these devices because the polyurethane ‘sound abatement’ foam in the airway of the device degrades and off-gases, releasing toxic and potentially carcinogenic compounds that are then inhaled by the user all night long while they sleep,” Mr. McDonough says. “Recent FDA inspections reveal the company was aware of this problem at least as far back as 2015.”
The foam used in the recalled devices is subject to degradation via “hydrolysis,” which is when water breaks a chemical bond. Normal operation of the devices involves hot, humid air being forced through the device airpath where the foam is located.
“The recall affects millions of users,” Mr. McDonough adds. “So this is a legitimate health crisis. We are fighting for our clients injured by Philips’ devices, but we are also fighting to prevent future similar harms to the innocent and unsuspecting public.”
Mr. McDonough has lectured nationally about the chemical risks of the degradation and the off-gassing of the polyester polyurethane sound abatement foam in the CPAP machines.
Mr. McDonough also represents Weitz & Luxenberg clients injured by metal-on-metal and modular hip implants, including the Stryker Rejuvenate/ABG II Modular Hip Implant, Stryker LFIT V40 CoCr femoral heads, and DePuy ASR/ASR XL.
The manufacturers, Stryker and DePuy Orthopaedics, have both recalled specific hip implant models because of significant complications. Sometimes, the materials used in the hip implant may corrode. Metallosis and fracturing are other serious problems with some models. When orthopedic implants fail, patients may need to undergo revision surgeries.
Revision surgeries require patients to face the risks and challenges of surgery all over again. In addition, revision surgeries are more complex and costly than initial surgery.
“When I first speak with clients, my goal is to listen to them, to understand what their problems are, and to have an honest conversation with them about what we can do to work together to meet their needs and resolve their issues,” Mr. McDonough said.
“I get a lot of satisfaction in knowing that our client will have some peace of mind, be able to pay medical bills, put money away for children or grandchildren, whatever the case may be. It’s extremely gratifying to feel that justice has been served,” Mr. McDonough says.
“The great thing about being an attorney is that I’m in a position to advocate for people who can’t advocate for themselves,” Mr. McDonough says. “I can use my background in biological and biomedical engineering to help people harmed by defective medical devices and drugs every day.”
“These giant medical device and pharmaceutical corporations should be ensuring that what they’re selling to the public is safe and effective, but instead they cut corners for profit. When they do, our clients’ health and livelihoods are what hang in the balance.
“These companies think the scientific issues are too complex; that lawyers, judges, and juries won’t understand; and that our clients won’t have anyone who can fight on their behalf.
“They think they can get away with it. They’re wrong.
“At Weitz & Luxenberg, we make sure our clients get the representation they deserve,” Mr. McDonough says.
Prior to joining Weitz & Luxenberg, Mr. McDonough served as a law clerk to the Honorable Ann Marie Donio, U.S.M.J. in the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey. He first worked here as a biomedical engineer and paralegal after graduating from Cornell University’s College of Engineering.
He was involved in the complex technical preparation for trial, assisting attorneys with the recalled DePuy ASR metal-on-metal hip implant litigation, analyzing tens of thousands of technical documents, and preparing the attorneys for the depositions of the engineers and experts. Motivated by this work, he went to law school and then worked here as a summer and part-time law clerk.
In 2017, Mr. McDonough was welcomed back as a lawyer engineer. Like his colleagues, Mr. McDonough cares about helping our clients achieve a just resolution.
Addressing an emerging legal issue, Mr. McDonough successfully defeated a medical device manufacturer’s repeated efforts to manipulate the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure to remove cases from state court to federal court, where the defendant can have certain advantages. After a prolonged briefing effort, he succeeded in persuading the court to return the cases to state court. Mr. McDonough co-authored an article educating plaintiff attorneys on how to defeat this procedural abuse called “Snap Removal” in an article in Trial Magazine in 2020.
Mr. McDonough is licensed to practice law in New Jersey, New York, and the United States District Courts for the District of New Jersey, the Eastern District of New York, the Southern District of New York, and the Western District of Pennsylvania.
He earned his J.D. from Rutgers School of Law in Camden, New Jersey, and his B.S. in biological and biomedical engineering from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.
Outside of work, Mr. McDonough enjoys running with his dog, going to concerts, and reading. Other passions include hiking, traveling, playing the guitar, basketball and chess.
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“Our clients are suffering on a daily basis,” Mr. McDonough says. “Many of them have had to stop working, they have bills piling up, and their lives are essentially put on hold.
“At Weitz & Luxenberg, thinking about our clients and the harm they’ve suffered is what keeps us motivated. It is why I went to law school.
Sometimes the legal process takes years, but our clients keep us focused. We want to secure for them the best outcome possible.”
Mr. McDonough is currently representing Weitz & Luxenberg clients injured by Philips Respironics’ recalled CPAP, BiPAP, and mechanical ventilator devices, which are used in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea.
“Philips recalled these devices because the polyurethane ‘sound abatement’ foam in the airway of the device degrades and off-gases, releasing toxic and potentially carcinogenic compounds that are then inhaled by the user all night long while they sleep,” Mr. McDonough says. “Recent FDA inspections reveal the company was aware of this problem at least as far back as 2015.”
The foam used in the recalled devices is subject to degradation via “hydrolysis,” which is when water breaks a chemical bond. Normal operation of the devices involves hot, humid air being forced through the device airpath where the foam is located.
“The recall affects millions of users,” Mr. McDonough adds. “So this is a legitimate health crisis. We are fighting for our clients injured by Philips’ devices, but we are also fighting to prevent future similar harms to the innocent and unsuspecting public.”
Mr. McDonough has lectured nationally about the chemical risks of the degradation and the off-gassing of the polyester polyurethane sound abatement foam in the CPAP machines.
Mr. McDonough also represents Weitz & Luxenberg clients injured by metal-on-metal and modular hip implants, including the Stryker Rejuvenate/ABG II Modular Hip Implant, Stryker LFIT V40 CoCr femoral heads, and DePuy ASR/ASR XL.
The manufacturers, Stryker and DePuy Orthopaedics, have both recalled specific hip implant models because of significant complications. Sometimes, the materials used in the hip implant may corrode. Metallosis and fracturing are other serious problems with some models. When orthopedic implants fail, patients may need to undergo revision surgeries.
Revision surgeries require patients to face the risks and challenges of surgery all over again. In addition, revision surgeries are more complex and costly than initial surgery.
“When I first speak with clients, my goal is to listen to them, to understand what their problems are, and to have an honest conversation with them about what we can do to work together to meet their needs and resolve their issues,” Mr. McDonough said.
“I get a lot of satisfaction in knowing that our client will have some peace of mind, be able to pay medical bills, put money away for children or grandchildren, whatever the case may be. It’s extremely gratifying to feel that justice has been served,” Mr. McDonough says.
“The great thing about being an attorney is that I’m in a position to advocate for people who can’t advocate for themselves,” Mr. McDonough says. “I can use my background in biological and biomedical engineering to help people harmed by defective medical devices and drugs every day.”
“These giant medical device and pharmaceutical corporations should be ensuring that what they’re selling to the public is safe and effective, but instead they cut corners for profit. When they do, our clients’ health and livelihoods are what hang in the balance.
“These companies think the scientific issues are too complex; that lawyers, judges, and juries won’t understand; and that our clients won’t have anyone who can fight on their behalf.
“They think they can get away with it. They’re wrong.
“At Weitz & Luxenberg, we make sure our clients get the representation they deserve,” Mr. McDonough says.
Prior to joining Weitz & Luxenberg, Mr. McDonough served as a law clerk to the Honorable Ann Marie Donio, U.S.M.J. in the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey. He first worked here as a biomedical engineer and paralegal after graduating from Cornell University’s College of Engineering.
He was involved in the complex technical preparation for trial, assisting attorneys with the recalled DePuy ASR metal-on-metal hip implant litigation, analyzing tens of thousands of technical documents, and preparing the attorneys for the depositions of the engineers and experts. Motivated by this work, he went to law school and then worked here as a summer and part-time law clerk.
In 2017, Mr. McDonough was welcomed back as a lawyer engineer. Like his colleagues, Mr. McDonough cares about helping our clients achieve a just resolution.
Addressing an emerging legal issue, Mr. McDonough successfully defeated a medical device manufacturer’s repeated efforts to manipulate the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure to remove cases from state court to federal court, where the defendant can have certain advantages. After a prolonged briefing effort, he succeeded in persuading the court to return the cases to state court. Mr. McDonough co-authored an article educating plaintiff attorneys on how to defeat this procedural abuse called “Snap Removal” in an article in Trial Magazine in 2020.
Mr. McDonough is licensed to practice law in New Jersey, New York, and the United States District Courts for the District of New Jersey, the Eastern District of New York, the Southern District of New York, and the Western District of Pennsylvania.
He earned his J.D. from Rutgers School of Law in Camden, New Jersey, and his B.S. in biological and biomedical engineering from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.
Outside of work, Mr. McDonough enjoys running with his dog, going to concerts, and reading. Other passions include hiking, traveling, playing the guitar, basketball and chess.
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Known for his approachable nature and clear communication, Ed fearlessly tackles both straightforward and complex cases, securing multi-million-dollar settlements alongside The Perecman Firm’s legal team. A recognized attorney, he has earned accolades from Super Lawyers (2022), Super Lawyers Rising Stars (2018-2020), and Best Lawyers Ones to Watch (2021-2024).
Staying current with New York’s evolving compensation and disability laws is a priority for Ed, and he shares this knowledge with his team and even educates medical professionals to help them support injured workers more effectively.
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Known for his approachable nature and clear communication, Ed fearlessly tackles both straightforward and complex cases, securing multi-million-dollar settlements alongside The Perecman Firm’s legal team. A recognized attorney, he has earned accolades from Super Lawyers (2022), Super Lawyers Rising Stars (2018-2020), and Best Lawyers Ones to Watch (2021-2024).
Staying current with New York’s evolving compensation and disability laws is a priority for Ed, and he shares this knowledge with his team and even educates medical professionals to help them support injured workers more effectively.
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Eileen Kelly has known from childhood that a career in law was in her future. She received her Juris Doctor from Western Michigan Cooley Law School, graduating cum laude. Thereafter, she was admitted to the Delaware State Bar and began working for a personal injury firm in Wilmington, Delaware.
Mrs. Kelly was admitted to the New York State Bar in 2016. She joined The Perecman Firm in 2019, bringing with her an incredible wealth of experience and a dedication to helping people whose lives have been affected by an injury. She concentrates her legal practice on all aspects of personal injury law, including construction accidents, premises liability, motor vehicle accidents, and other catastrophic injury matters. She has built a reputation as a passionate and razor-sharp advocate for her clients, securing multi-million-dollar settlements on their behalf.
Eileen has been recognized by New York Super Lawyers (Rising Stars 2017-2023) and U.S. News and World Report Best Lawyers (Ones To Watch 2022-2023). She is admitted to practice in the New York State Courts, Delaware State Courts, and Pennsylvania State Courts. She is also an active member of the New York State Trial Lawyers Association.
Polished, Meticulous, and Fierce
Eileen Kelly has known from childhood that a career in law was in her future. She received her Juris Doctor from Western Michigan Cooley Law School, graduating cum laude. Thereafter, she was admitted to the Delaware State Bar and began working for a personal injury firm in Wilmington, Delaware.
Mrs. Kelly was admitted to the New York State Bar in 2016. She joined The Perecman Firm in 2019, bringing with her an incredible wealth of experience and a dedication to helping people whose lives have been affected by an injury. She concentrates her legal practice on all aspects of personal injury law, including construction accidents, premises liability, motor vehicle accidents, and other catastrophic injury matters. She has built a reputation as a passionate and razor-sharp advocate for her clients, securing multi-million-dollar settlements on their behalf.
Eileen has been recognized by New York Super Lawyers (Rising Stars 2017-2023) and U.S. News and World Report Best Lawyers (Ones To Watch 2022-2023). She is admitted to practice in the New York State Courts, Delaware State Courts, and Pennsylvania State Courts. She is also an active member of the New York State Trial Lawyers Association.
Passionate, Dedicated, and Accomplished
Attorney Erica Colon has dedicated her legal career to fighting on behalf of Plaintiffs. Since starting her practice at a national firm representing victims in claims against multi-national corporations, Colon has helped The Perecman Firm, P.L.L.C. build upon its record of success in civil claims involving motor vehicle, premise, construction, and workplace accidents.
In her time as an advocate, Ms. Colon has successfully recovered millions in compensation for her clients, most recently by assisting in the recovery of a $5 million settlement against the City of New York for a NYC Sanitation worker injured on the job. In 2020, she and fellow Perecman Attorney Adam Hurwitz secured a $900,000 mediated settlement for an injured client – a result listed among the NY Law Journal’s Top Verdicts & Settlements list.
Erica has been named to Best Lawyers “Ones to Watch” since 2021 and New York Metro Super Lawyers Rising Stars since 2016.
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Attorney Erica Colon has dedicated her legal career to fighting on behalf of Plaintiffs. Since starting her practice at a national firm representing victims in claims against multi-national corporations, Colon has helped The Perecman Firm, P.L.L.C. build upon its record of success in civil claims involving motor vehicle, premise, construction, and workplace accidents.
In her time as an advocate, Ms. Colon has successfully recovered millions in compensation for her clients, most recently by assisting in the recovery of a $5 million settlement against the City of New York for a NYC Sanitation worker injured on the job. In 2020, she and fellow Perecman Attorney Adam Hurwitz secured a $900,000 mediated settlement for an injured client – a result listed among the NY Law Journal’s Top Verdicts & Settlements list.
Erica has been named to Best Lawyers “Ones to Watch” since 2021 and New York Metro Super Lawyers Rising Stars since 2016.
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Zach Perecman is a skilled personal injury and construction accident lawyer at The Perecman Firm, where he has worked since high school. From his early roles as file clerk and paralegal to now as an attorney, Zach has dedicated himself to achieving justice for clients injured in construction accidents, car crashes, premises incidents, and civil rights cases. He’s known for his thorough approach, meticulous case preparation, and relentless pursuit of maximum compensation for his clients.
Recognized by Super Lawyers Rising Stars (2018-2022) and Best Lawyers Ones to Watch (2020-2023), Zach has secured numerous multi-million-dollar settlements and has represented clients through successful jury verdicts. Notable settlements include $5.6 million for a union concrete laborer struck by a falling scaffold, $4.3 million for a carpenter who fell from a scaffold, and $3.2 million for a worker injured on debris.
Zach’s early advocacy experience includes working on behalf of a wrongfully accused woman, helping secure a $4 million settlement after convincing the highest court to hear the case. Another career highlight was obtaining a $5 million settlement in a premises liability case alongside his father, David Perecman, the firm’s founder.
He earned his Bachelor’s from the University of Miami and graduated magna cum laude from New York Law School, where he was a John Marshall Harlan Scholar and staff editor of the law review. Zach is also a devoted husband and father who enjoys playing guitar, singing, and riding his Peloton outside of work.
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Recognized by Super Lawyers Rising Stars (2018-2022) and Best Lawyers Ones to Watch (2020-2023), Zach has secured numerous multi-million-dollar settlements and has represented clients through successful jury verdicts. Notable settlements include $5.6 million for a union concrete laborer struck by a falling scaffold, $4.3 million for a carpenter who fell from a scaffold, and $3.2 million for a worker injured on debris.
Zach’s early advocacy experience includes working on behalf of a wrongfully accused woman, helping secure a $4 million settlement after convincing the highest court to hear the case. Another career highlight was obtaining a $5 million settlement in a premises liability case alongside his father, David Perecman, the firm’s founder.
He earned his Bachelor’s from the University of Miami and graduated magna cum laude from New York Law School, where he was a John Marshall Harlan Scholar and staff editor of the law review. Zach is also a devoted husband and father who enjoys playing guitar, singing, and riding his Peloton outside of work.
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Avi was named one of Best\nLawyers 2021 “Ones to Watch”.\n\n","CountryCode":"US","CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-biography highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-white background-dark-blue-gray background-dark-blue-gray-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBio","ViewName":"LawyerBio","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBio.cshtml"},"Contact":null,"Pages":[{"IsLoty":false,"LotyBadgeUrl":null,"PublicationListId":2,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerId":0,"LawyerFullName":"Avinoam Laby","LawyerGivenName":"Avinoam","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Laby","LawyerInitials":"AL","HasFirmProfile":false,"FirmProfileUrl":null,"FirmName":"Gersowitz Libo & Korek, P.C.","RecognizedSinceYear":2021,"LocationName":"New York City, New York","CountryCode":"US","TrafficId":212094,"TrafficCategory":"lawyer","PracticeAreas":["Medical Malpractice Law - Plaintiffs","Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs"],"SpecificFocuses":[],"CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-basic-info card-lawyer-blotw highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-white-lg background-white-lg-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewName":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBasicInfo.cshtml"},{"PublicationListId":2,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerFullName":"Avinoam Laby","LawyerGivenName":"Avinoam","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Laby","LawyerInitials":"AL","Biography":"Avinoam Laby joined Gersowitz Libo & Korek, P.C. in April of 2014 as a legal intern and upon being admitted to the bar,\nbecame an associate in October of 2015. 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Drew regularly counsels clients in the distribution and marketing of goods and services. His distribution experience includes the establishment and restructuring of distribution networks; domestic and international distribution and supply contracts; mergers and acquisitions of distribution companies; the acquisition, sale and exchange of distribution rights; e-commerce distribution agreements; distributor and supplier relations, and dealer termination litigation.
Drew has led our teams in numerous major distributor acquisitions and joint ventures, and has structured and handled dozens of brand distribution rights transactions. He also assists clients with the development of corporate legal compliance programs in antitrust and other areas, as well as providing general corporate counseling to new and established businesses.
In addition, Drew leads Tannenbaum Helpern’s Cybersecurity and Data Privacy practice. This interdisciplinary team has experience in the many facets of this critical area of importance to all businesses, including technology issues, cybersecurity and data privacy regulation and compliance, data breach planning and response, and dispute resolution. He has helped guide clients in complying with the varying regulations of data privacy and protection in the U.S., Europe and other jurisdictions around the world.
Drew has decades of experience representing clients in the food and beverage industry, including alcoholic beverage law and soft drink distribution, franchise agreements and offering circulars, computer law, and trade associations and non-profit organizations. Drew was the principal draftsman of the New Jersey Malt Alcoholic Beverages Practices Act, which was signed into law in 2005. He is frequently quoted in beer, wine and spirits industry trade publications.
For over thirty years, Drew chaired the annual American Law Institute-American Bar Association Course of Study on Product Distribution and Marketing, to rave reviews from lawyers who attended. Drew has spoken for many years on international distribution and marketing law, privacy and data protection, and intellectual property protection issues at meetings of the New York State Bar Association International Section. He is a member of the NYSBA Finance Committee, and former member of the NYSBA Executive Committee (having recently completed the maximum of two consecutive two-year terms); a former Chair of the NYSBA Business Law Section; a former Chair of the NYSBA International Section and Chair of its International Distribution, Sales and Marketing Committee; a member of the Executive Committees of the International Section and the Business Law Section; and former Chair of the NYSBA Section Delegates Caucus. He served for eight years on the Computer Law Committee of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, including five as Secretary.
Drew has been selected for inclusion in Super Lawyers® for the New York Metro Area continuously from 2006 through 2024 – every year that selections have been made. He has also been selected for inclusion in the 2013 through 2025 Best Lawyers® in America Guide, and was selected as the Best Lawyers® “Lawyer of the Year” for Franchise Law in New York City in the 2022 and 2025 Guides.
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Drew regularly counsels clients in the distribution and marketing of goods and services. His distribution experience includes the establishment and restructuring of distribution networks; domestic and international distribution and supply contracts; mergers and acquisitions of distribution companies; the acquisition, sale and exchange of distribution rights; e-commerce distribution agreements; distributor and supplier relations, and dealer termination litigation.
Drew has led our teams in numerous major distributor acquisitions and joint ventures, and has structured and handled dozens of brand distribution rights transactions. He also assists clients with the development of corporate legal compliance programs in antitrust and other areas, as well as providing general corporate counseling to new and established businesses.
In addition, Drew leads Tannenbaum Helpern’s Cybersecurity and Data Privacy practice. This interdisciplinary team has experience in the many facets of this critical area of importance to all businesses, including technology issues, cybersecurity and data privacy regulation and compliance, data breach planning and response, and dispute resolution. He has helped guide clients in complying with the varying regulations of data privacy and protection in the U.S., Europe and other jurisdictions around the world.
Drew has decades of experience representing clients in the food and beverage industry, including alcoholic beverage law and soft drink distribution, franchise agreements and offering circulars, computer law, and trade associations and non-profit organizations. Drew was the principal draftsman of the New Jersey Malt Alcoholic Beverages Practices Act, which was signed into law in 2005. He is frequently quoted in beer, wine and spirits industry trade publications.
For over thirty years, Drew chaired the annual American Law Institute-American Bar Association Course of Study on Product Distribution and Marketing, to rave reviews from lawyers who attended. Drew has spoken for many years on international distribution and marketing law, privacy and data protection, and intellectual property protection issues at meetings of the New York State Bar Association International Section. He is a member of the NYSBA Finance Committee, and former member of the NYSBA Executive Committee (having recently completed the maximum of two consecutive two-year terms); a former Chair of the NYSBA Business Law Section; a former Chair of the NYSBA International Section and Chair of its International Distribution, Sales and Marketing Committee; a member of the Executive Committees of the International Section and the Business Law Section; and former Chair of the NYSBA Section Delegates Caucus. He served for eight years on the Computer Law Committee of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, including five as Secretary.
Drew has been selected for inclusion in Super Lawyers® for the New York Metro Area continuously from 2006 through 2024 – every year that selections have been made. He has also been selected for inclusion in the 2013 through 2025 Best Lawyers® in America Guide, and was selected as the Best Lawyers® “Lawyer of the Year” for Franchise Law in New York City in the 2022 and 2025 Guides.
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