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Find Lawyers in Madrid, Spain for Corporate and Mergers and Acquisitions Law
Practice Area Overview
However, in company law, unlike other specialist fields, the advisory (defence) function in the case of conflict often does not depend upon whether the preventative function has been properly performed, but instead upon tensions arising within companies between majority shareholders attempting to impose a resolution and dissatisfied minority shareholders, who then seek protection of their rights.
Mergers and Acquisitions (“M&A”) are one result of the trend toward the globalisation and concentration of businesses to boost their strength and competitiveness, a trend that also has a knock-on negative effect on the ability to continue to guarantee a free, healthy, and properly competitive market. Regulatory bodies must be increasingly aware of market distortions, as mergers and acquisitions are occurring between ever-larger undertakings and creating even bigger end combinations, something that makes it even harder for remaining competitors to survive. And there is no sign of this trend abating.
Although closely associated with company law with regards to its implementation aspects (given that the requirements for the calling of Board and Shareholders’ General Meetings and their holding, as well as the adoption of the relevant resolutions), specialising in M&A requires the prior management and coordination of an entire range of other specialist fields to verify the status of different aspects of the undertaking to be acquired and to establish whether things really are as they are presented, whether there are lurking dangers or hidden problems, whether the operation is suitable and/or viable, etc. This process is commonly called “due diligence”.
Checks will be carried out on aspects ranging from human resources, environmental matters, contractual relations, quality standards, planning issues, and activity permits for the undertakings to be merged or acquired. To do this, there are now sophisticated programs that create a virtual data room in the cloud, accessible to both those who upload information and those whose job it is to check it, each with the permission levels required to access the different areas of the data room, which speeds up the data processing and decision making processes.
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Miguel joined MA Abogados in February 2024 in the Commercial Law Department as Director of Mergers and Acquisitions, after more than 12 years’ experience at the law firm Escalona & De Fuentes Abogados. He specialises in Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) and has been involved in advising on national and international acquisitions and sales transactions. Miguel also specialises in company law, having been involved in drafting all kinds of commercial agreements. He has been the secret...
Iker Arriola is the Resident partner in Europe for Creel, García-Cuéllar, Aiza y Enríquez, based in the Madrid office, focusing on Mergers and Acquisitionss and Corporate Law. Iker represents and advises clients on a variety of issues and operations. His areas of expertise include mergers and acquisitions, corporate law and antitrust. Since September 2022, Iker acts as resident partner of the Firm’s European office in Madrid. With many years of experience advising s...
WORK DEPARTMENT Tax POSITION José has over 18 years experience in leading transactional work, particularly for private equity houses and real estate investment funds on complex deals (tax structuring, due diligence and tax modelling etc.) He has led tax advice on some of the most important processes that have taken place in recent years in Spain. CAREER José joined Pérez-Llorca as partner in 2019, bringing more than 17 years of experience working on M&A Tax teams in B...
Practice Areas Corporate/M&A. Javier specialises in private equity transactions in the healthcare, infrastructure and energy and financial sectors. He has 17 years of experience advising domestic and foreign clients on transactional matters, particularly in M&A, joint ventures and carve-outs, with a special focus on private equity. In addition, Javier participated in a secondment programme in the investment banking department at Nomura (London). He has extensive experience in commerci...
Practice areas: Corporate/M&A, Capital Markets, Funds Javier Carvajal specialises in takeover bids, M&A transactions, private equity, corporate restructurings, joint ventures and IPOs. He advises national and international groups on transactions in the energy, infrastructures, financial and industrial sectors. Javier joined Pérez-Llorca as partner in 2017. He has over 20 years' experience in Corporate law. Law degree with a specialisation in Business law (Universidad Complutens...
Practice Areas Restructuring and Banking & Finance. Prior to this, Cosme lent his services to several international firms. In addition, he worked for one of the main British banks as part of a secondment programme, where he was involved in corporate financing transactions subject to both Spanish and English law. Career Cosme Colmenero joined Pérez-Llorca in 2020 as Counsel in the Corporate practice, specifically in the area of Restructuring and Insolvency. Bar Admissions The Madrid...
Managing Partner at Argali, Abogados. Teodoro de Agustín has been practicing law for more than 22 years and has an extensive experience in M&A operations. In 2009 he joined Dutilh Abogados as partner, coming from an associate lawyer position at Gómez-Acebo & Pombo to lead the Financial and Commercial Law departments. Teodoro has a bachelor’s degree in Law and a graduation in Business Administration from Alcalá University (CEU Luis Vives). He has postgraduate...
Practice areas: Corporate/M&A, Private Equity Iván Delgado is head of Pérez-Llorca's New York office and responsible for the firm's US and LatAm Desk. He advises national and international clients on corporate, M&A and private equity transactions. He advises on acquisitions of minority and controlling shareholdings, leveraged acquisitions on secondary buyout proceedings, and public to private transactions. Iván joined Pérez-Llorca in 1999 and made partner i...
Practice Areas Banking & Finance, Corporate M&A. Mónica is an expert in Banking and Finance law. She has advised national and international clients, listed and unlisted companies, and has participated in financing, restructuring, debt acquisition and asset finance transactions. Career Mónica joined Pérez-Llorca in 2015. Degree in Law, Universidad Pontificia Comillas (ICADE), Madrid Bar Admissions Spain, The Madrid Bar Association (ICAM). Languages Spanish, English
Licenciado en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Máster por el Instituto de Empresa en Asesoría Fiscal de Empresas. Durante su experiencia en PwC Tax & Legal Services, ha formado parte y ha dirigido el departamento de Integrated Global Solutions, para prestar servicios en fiscalidad internacional y precios de transferencia.
Isabel Dutilh has a long career practicing law, specializing in mergers and acquisitions and private equity, fields in which she was recognized as expert lawyer by Chambers & Partners. In 1988 she founded Dutilh Abogados which positioned itself as one of the leading national firms in the market in its area of specialization, business law. Isabel received her bachelor degree in Law from the Complutense University. She also has a master's in Law from the University of Wales, Cardiff and a m...
After five years as an associate at Estudio Legal (1987-1992), where he acquired experience in corporate, banking, capital markets and competition, he co-founded Araoz & Rueda in 1994. Since then, he has developed his practice advising in general corporate and commercial matters and, especially, in Mergers and Acquisitions and Capital Markets, where he has extensive experience. Furthermore, he regularly advises in litigation and restructuring/insolvency matters.
Pablo se incorporó en 1997 a PwC Tax & Legal Services y es actualmente responsable del asesoramiento jurídico en la unidad de Empresa Familiar de PwC, tras haber desarrollado su carrera profesional en los departamentos de Derecho Procesal y Transacciones. Especializado en derecho privado, tanto mercantil como civil, tiene una gran experiencia en operaciones de M&A, reestructuraciones societarias, amplio asesoramiento a socios y accionistas, incluyendo litigios en la juri...
Pedro Fernández joined Pérez-Llorca as partner in 2017. Before joining the firm he worked as partner for several years at another leading Spanish law firm. He advises a wide range of companies and has a wealth of experience in M&A and capital markets. He is an expert in (i) right issues and equity linked transactions, (ii) restructurings of groups, including listed companies and (iii) joint ventures. He also regularly advises Venture Capital funds and start-ups in financing ...
Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad Pontificia de Comillas ICADE), Máster en Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas (MAJ) por IE Business School y miembro del Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid.Beltrán ha sido recomendado por el directorio jurídico Chambers and Partners de 2016 en el área de Investment Funds y ha sido considerado por Best Lawyers como uno de los mejores abogados de España en Banking and Finance Law y Venture Capital Law en los a...
Javier es licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad de Navarra (1992) y LLM por University College London – UCL- (1996), miembro del Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid (1993) y “Solicitor of the Law Society of England and Wales (1997) y profesor de M&A (Fusiones y Adquisiciones) en el Instituto de Empresa. Javier tiene gran experiencia en la especialidad de M&A, habiendo realizado numerosas operaciones, tanto nacionales como internacionales, coordinando equipos en divers...
WORK DEPARTMENT Capital Markets, Corporate/M&A POSITION Javier Gómez advises on initial public offerings, issues and offers of all kinds of securities (including equity, debt securities and hybrid securities), takeovers and all other transactions involving listed companies, including mergers, acquisitions and restructuring deals. Many of these listed companies are traded on the Spanish IBEX 35 index. CAREER Javier Gómez joined Pérez-Llorca in 2009 and made partner in ...
Luis es socio en el área de M&A Fiscal en la oficina Madrid. Se incorporó a PwC Tax & Legal Services en 1999 y su experiencia profesional se centra en el asesoramiento a empresas españolas y europeas en sus proyectos internacionales, tanto en Latinoamérica como en el resto del mundo, para lo cual trabaja de forma coordinada con la red internacional de PwC. Luis ha trabajado para empresas de los sectores financiero, de construcción e ingeniería...
Practice areas: Public and private M&A, Private Equity, Capital Markets Pablo González advises national and international clients on corporate transactions, including high profile M&A deals, private equity, capital markets, corporate reorganisations, and corporate governance matters. He has advised on the major deals in Spain in recent years. Pablo joined Pérez-Llorca in 2006 and made partner in 2014. Law degree with diploma in Business Administration (Universidad Pontif...
Socio responsable de la práctica jurídico-fiscal de PwC en España del sector Automoción, PwC España. Miguel Ángel es licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad de Sevilla, Master en Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas por el Instituto de Empresa (Madrid) y EDP por ESADE (Madrid / Barcelona). Abogado en ejercicio del Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid.Experiencia en el sector Auto e Industrial de más de 20 años, con compañ...
Practice Areas Corporate. Javier Gutiérrez is a Tenured Lecturer of Company Law (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos). He was an Education Counselor at the Spanish Consulate in Argentina under the auspices of the relation between the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport and the Republic of Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay during 2010 and 2012; External Counselor (CMS Albiñana y Suárez de Lezo in 2010); Tenured Lecturer of Company Law at Universidad Rey Juan Carl...
Clara joined Pérez-Llorca as partner in 2006. Clara has extensive experience in Public Administrations, as Tax Inspector for over 10 years, and in the private sector. She advises national and foreign clients within all branches of tax law and foreign trade. Clara specialises in obtaining tax rulings from tax authorities, in tax audits and appeals before judicial instances, in procedural matters as well as direct and indirect taxation. Practice areas: Tax, wealth management
Practice area: Corporate/M&A Alfredo Lafita is an expert in M&A transactions, corporate restructurings, joint ventures, capital markets and private equity transactions. He advises multinationals on issuances and placements of securities, mergers and acquisitions, shareholder agreements, purchase agreements, corporate governance issues and corporate restructurings. Alfredo joined Pérez-Llorca as partner in 2017. He has more than 25 years' experience. Law degree (1990) and Busine...
Silvia es socia del Grupo de Transacciones PwC Tax & Legal Services de la oficina de Madrid. Se incorporó a PwC en el año 1999. Es licenciada en Económicas por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y cuenta con un Master en Asesoría y Gestión Tributaria impartido por CEF y un Executive MBA impartido por ESADE. Profesora de Impuesto sobre Sociedades en el Máster de Derecho de la Empresa en ICADE. Especialista en Transacciones y dedicada a tiempo com...
Practice areas: Capital Markets, Corporate/M&A, Private Equity Julio Lujambio advises national and international clients on all areas of corporate law including public and private M&A transactions, private equity deals, ECM transactions, corporate reorganisations, and corporate governance. He has experience advising on large public and private M&A transactions and private equity deals. Julio joined Pérez-Llorca in 2005 and made partner in 2014. Law degree (Universidad Panam...
Con más de 24 años de práctica profesional, Patricia está especializada en el ámbito jurídico-regulatorio de sectores como las telecomunicaciones, el juego, el deportes y el sector audiovisual. Además, por su bagaje mercantil, cuenta con experiencia en el asesoramiento a clientes nacionales y multinacionales en materia de Gobierno Corporativo y desarrollo de modelos de cumplimiento normativo en todo tipo de operaciones de reestructuració...
Pedro Marques da Gama joined Pérez-Llorca in 2006 and made partner in 2018. His legal practice is focused on corporate matters and transactional oriented work, in particular on M&A and cross-border deals involving public and private companies, all of which are within a broad range of industries. In addition, Pedro's practice covers advising on acquisitions of distressed assets, the reorganisation and restructuring of companies, including within the context of both pre-insolvency re...
Socio de PwC Tax & Legal Services. Javier cuenta con una larga experiencia en procesos de puesta en cotización, gobierno corporativo y fusiones y adquisiciones. Javier está especializado en mercado de capitales (salidas a bolsa, emisión y colocación de valores, OPV y OPS), fusiones y adquisiciones (M&A público -OPAs y defensa de OPAs- y privado), reestructuraciones societarias a nivel nacional e internacional, derecho societario y contratación...
Socio de PwC Tax & Legal Services. David, dispone de experiencia como Secretario General Técnico, Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas, desde 2012 hasta 2016. Abogado del Estado, Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones, desde 2009 hasta 2012. Abogado del Estado, Secretaria de Estado de Economía, desde 2007 hasta 2009. En 2006 fue Secretario General, Tribunal de Defensa de la Competencia, Comunidad de Madrid. Desde 2002 hasta 2006, actu&...
Practice Areas Corporate/M&A. Specialised in corporate law, she has extensive experience in M&A transactions, both in listed and unlisted companies, as well as in Equity Capital Markets (ECM) transactions and corporate governance matters. She has been involved in some of the most significant takeover bids of the past few years in Spain, as well as in IPOs, capital increases of listed companies and complex debt restructurings with an equity component. In private M&A, she has worked...
Javier joined Pérez-Llorca in 2007. Javier specialises in all aspects of real estate transactions. He has over ten years’ professional experience in Real Estate law, advising national and international clients on all types of transactions related to the real estate market including real estate development, sale and purchase of real estate assets, divestment and acquisition of large property portfolios, sale & leaseback transactions, leasing, joint-venture deals and mergers an...
Practice area: Corporate/M&A, Real Estate, Energy & Infrastructure Alejandro Osma joined Pérez-Llorca in 2002 and made partner in 2013. He advises national and international clients on Corporate/M&A matters with a focus on the investment, divestment, development and financing of real estate, energy and infrastructure projects. In 2010 Alejandro worked in the capital markets team at a prestigious New York firm and advised on transactions with companies listed in Latin America.
Practice Areas Julio regularly advises national and international investors on investments in non-performing assets, including debt and real estate assets, as well as on all kinds of legal proceedings related to the management of such investments. Julio therefore has extensive experience in procedural and insolvency matters, advising both creditors and the insolvent party. Career Julio Parrilla joined Pérez-Llorca in 2020. He previously worked at a prestigious international firm. Profe...
Practice areas: Corporate/M&A, Private Equity, Capital Markets, Banking & Finance Pedro Pérez-Llorca's corporate practice has a strong international dimension, focusing on public and private M&A, large private equity investments, public takeovers and finance matters. He has been involved in the most significant transactions in Spain and those with a Spanish component, including the largest public takeover, the largest cross-border merger and the largest privatisation and IP...
Practice Areas: Corporate/M&A, Banking & Finance Fernando Quicios advises funds, financial entities, and companies on their investments and divestments in Spain, particularly in restructuring and special situations, both regarding debt and equity. He has extensive experience in public and private M&A work and private equity deals. His recent work focuses on distressed PE and M&A. Fernando joined Pérez-Llorca in 1999 and was made partner in 2006. He set up Pérez-L...
WORK DEPARTMENT Corporate/M&A, Private Equity POSITION Álvaro Ramírez de Haro advises investment funds and corporations on cross border and domestic mergers and acquisitions, including private equity transactions, restructurings and general corporate matters CAREER Álvaro joined Pérez-Llorca in 2006 and made partner in 2018. He is currently head of Pérez-Llorca’s London office. From 2012 to 2014, Álvaro served as executive advisor to the Sec...
Carmen Reyna joined Pérez-Llorca in 2005 and was named partner in 2013. Carmen is an expert in mergers and acquisitions, venture capital investments, corporate restructurings and financing and refinancing. She advises national and international clients on large-scale transactions in a number of sectors. Carmen is the coordinator and a lecturer for the Masters in International Business Law at Wolters Kluwer. She also lectures in the Masters of Legal Studies at the Universidad Carlos III...
Practice areas: Real Estate, Banking & Finance, Projects and M&A, Energy Fausto Romero-Miura advises national and international clients on real estate, M&A and energy sector-related deals. He advises on project development, financing and acquisition, and on acquisitions within the debt and banking sectors. He advises hedge funds and investment funds on acquisitions in Spain. Fausto joined Pérez-Llorca in 2000 and made partner in 2007. Law degree (Universidad Complutense, Ma...
Pedro Rueda was an associate in the Department of Mergers and Acquisitions at Gómez-Acebo & Pombo (Madrid, 1987-1994), where he was promoted to partner in 1994, after having spent one year as a foreign associate in the Department of Mergers and Acquisitions at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, New York. In 1994 he co-founded Araoz & Rueda and since then he has developed his practice in the area of Mergers and Acquisitions, where he has extensive experience in advising a...
Work Department Insurance & Reinsurance. Position Joaquín Ruiz Echauri has over 25 years of experience providing corporate, regulatory and litigious advice for the insurance and reinsurance industry. During his career he has worked with major national and international clients on M&A transactions, bancassurance alliances, VIF reinsurance agreements, portfolio transfers and reorganisations and all types of corporate matters. In the area of regulation, he has provided advice on p...
Practice Areas Corporate. Gonzalo specializes in Corporate Law, especially in mergers and acquisitions, restructuring of companies and business groups, and capital market and private equity transactions. He has been involved in numerous national and international transactions. He also advises listed companies in the field of corporate governance. In addition, he has taken part in a number of corporate transactions, particularly with regard to the increase and reduction of capital, and the inc...
Practice Areas Corporate M&A, Energy. Dídac specialises in corporate law, particularly in investments and divestments, acquisitions of companies and assets, the creation and dissolution of joint ventures, strategic alliances, corporate restructurings and commercial and business practice. He also participates in capital markets transactions, listings on the stock exchange, IPOs, public offerings and dual-track processes. Career Dídac Severino joined Pérez-Llorca in 201...
WORK DEPARTMENT Tax, Wealth Management POSITION José Suárez specialises in proceedings before the Tax Administration (economic-administrative proceedings, valuations by appraisal experts, tax rulings, etc.) in all tax matters, including self-disclosures. He defends his clients’ rights before the Spanish tax administration (administrative review proceedings) and before the courts at all stages of the proceedings. CAREER José joined Pérez-Llorca in 2007 and mad...
Manuel has a long standing experience in company occupational, corporate, taxation and accounting assessment and auditing, over a period of more than 30 years constantly in contact with companies, SMEs, large companies and multinationals. He is fully committed to the management of the office's most important clients, having played a key role in procuring excellent management results. He is a regular speaker and columnist for highly prestigious forums (Deusto University, Faculty of Economics a...
Practice areas: Banking & Finance, Project Finance Ander Valverde advises on leveraged acquisition finance, corporate finance, project finance, debt restructuring and refinancing, and out-of-court workouts. Ander also leads the direct lending practice of the firm, advising debt funds and sponsors on all kinds of private credit transactions. Ander joined Pérez-Llorca in 2010 and made partner in 2017. He previously worked at the Madrid office of a Magic Circle fim and at the European...
Practice Areas Constanza is currently Partner and Corporate Director and is in charge of the firm’s Human Resources, Communication, Business Development and Marketing and CSR-ESG departments, among other responsibilities. She has participated as a speaker at a number of conferences and teaches in institutions/universities, such as the International Bar Association (IBA), the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (ICADE), the Universidad de Navarra and the Instituto de Empresa (IE). Career ...
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