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\nAndrew G. Diaz represents a variety of business and property owners in eminent domain and property rights litigation. He has handled cases involving the taking of large vacant parcels, national big box retailers, shopping centers, gas station/convenience stores, fast food restaurants, supermarket chains, professional offices, farms, retailers, grocers, golf courses, animal hospitals, warehouses, hotels, retail commercial space, homes, phosphate mining lands, ranches as well as other properties.
\nAdditionally Mr. Diaz is certified by the Florida Supreme Court as circuit court and appellate court mediator. His mediation practice focuses on property rights disputes.
\nSpecialties: Legal representation in circuit court and appellate court proceedings.","CountryCode":"US","CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-biography highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-white background-dark-blue-gray background-dark-blue-gray-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBio","ViewName":"LawyerBio","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBio.cshtml"},"Contact":null,"Pages":[{"IsLoty":false,"LotyBadgeUrl":null,"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerId":0,"LawyerFullName":"Andrew G. Diaz","LawyerGivenName":"Andrew G.","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Diaz","LawyerInitials":"AD","HasFirmProfile":false,"FirmProfileUrl":null,"FirmName":"Gaylord Merlin Ludovici & Diaz","RecognizedSinceYear":2009,"LocationName":"Tampa, Florida","CountryCode":"US","TrafficId":70386,"TrafficCategory":"lawyer","PracticeAreas":["Eminent Domain and Condemnation Law"],"SpecificFocuses":[],"CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-basic-info card-lawyer-bl highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-white-lg background-white-lg-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewName":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBasicInfo.cshtml"},{"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerFullName":"Andrew G. Diaz","LawyerGivenName":"Andrew G.","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Diaz","LawyerInitials":"AD","Biography":"Gaylord Merlin represents property and business owners in eminent domain and property rights litigation throughout the State of Florida. Our firm guides an owner through the condemnation process, protects an owner's property rights, and fights for an owner to receive full compensation.
\nAndrew G. Diaz represents a variety of business and property owners in eminent domain and property rights litigation. He has handled cases involving the taking of large vacant parcels, national big box retailers, shopping centers, gas station/convenience stores, fast food restaurants, supermarket chains, professional offices, farms, retailers, grocers, golf courses, animal hospitals, warehouses, hotels, retail commercial space, homes, phosphate mining lands, ranches as well as other properties.
\nAdditionally Mr. Diaz is certified by the Florida Supreme Court as circuit court and appellate court mediator. His mediation practice focuses on property rights disputes.
\nSpecialties: Legal representation in circuit court and appellate court proceedings.","CountryCode":"US","CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-biography highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-white background-dark-blue-gray background-dark-blue-gray-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBio","ViewName":"LawyerBio","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBio.cshtml"},null],"ViewName":"Paged","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Paged.cshtml","CssClass":"card d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-transparent swiper-slide","AriaLabel":"Paged"},{"BasicInfo":{"IsLoty":false,"LotyBadgeUrl":null,"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerId":0,"LawyerFullName":"Blake Gaylord","LawyerGivenName":"Blake","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Gaylord","LawyerInitials":"BG","HasFirmProfile":false,"FirmProfileUrl":null,"FirmName":"Gaylord Merlin Ludovici & Diaz","RecognizedSinceYear":2020,"LocationName":"Tampa, Florida","CountryCode":"US","TrafficId":130514,"TrafficCategory":"lawyer","PracticeAreas":["Eminent Domain and Condemnation Law"],"SpecificFocuses":[],"CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-basic-info card-lawyer-bl highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-white-lg background-white-lg-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewName":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBasicInfo.cshtml"},"Biography":{"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerFullName":"Blake Gaylord","LawyerGivenName":"Blake","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Gaylord","LawyerInitials":"BG","Biography":"Blake Gaylord is a partner practicing in the field of eminent domain and property rights. 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Ms. Merlin has held several leadership positions in eminent domain during her career. These include: Chair of the ABA Condemnation, Zoning and Land Use Committee (1982 - 1985); Chair of the Florida Bar Eminent Domain Committee (1993 - 1994); Co-Chair of the Hillsborough County Bar Association Eminent Domain Committee (1997-1998) and member of the Florida Bar Eminent Domain Practice and Procedure Steering Committee (1999 - present).
\r\nHer proudest career accomplishment is instituting the first-ever eminent domain program for the states' circuit judges at their annual education conference in July 1995. She co-chaired subsequent circuit judges' programs in September 1995, September 1996 and July 2000.Ms. Merlin has written numerous eminent domain articles, including a chapter on \"Special Benefits\" in the leading national condemnation treatise,Nichols on Eminent Domain, and the chapter on \"Authority to Exercise Power\" in the Florida Eminent Domain Practice & Procedure Manual - Florida's premier condemnation treatise.
\r\nShe is recognized in the Martindale Hubbell Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers in the field of eminent domain and has been selected to Florida Trend Magazine's \"Legal Elite\" in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009. She was also recognized in the 2006, 2007 and 2008 \"Best Lawyers in America\" publication and as a \"Super Lawyer\" by Florida Super Lawyers Magazine in 2006, 2007 and 2008..","CountryCode":"US","CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-biography highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-white background-dark-blue-gray background-dark-blue-gray-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBio","ViewName":"LawyerBio","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBio.cshtml"},"Contact":null,"Pages":[{"IsLoty":false,"LotyBadgeUrl":null,"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerId":0,"LawyerFullName":"Kimbel L. Merlin","LawyerGivenName":"Kimbel L.","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Merlin","LawyerInitials":"KM","HasFirmProfile":false,"FirmProfileUrl":null,"FirmName":"Gaylord Merlin Ludovici & Diaz","RecognizedSinceYear":2007,"LocationName":"Tampa, Florida","CountryCode":"US","TrafficId":60610,"TrafficCategory":"lawyer","PracticeAreas":["Eminent Domain and Condemnation Law"],"SpecificFocuses":[],"CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-basic-info card-lawyer-bl highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-white-lg background-white-lg-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewName":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBasicInfo.cshtml"},{"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerFullName":"Kimbel L. Merlin","LawyerGivenName":"Kimbel L.","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Merlin","LawyerInitials":"KM","Biography":"Accomplishments\r\nMs. Merlin has held several leadership positions in eminent domain during her career. These include: Chair of the ABA Condemnation, Zoning and Land Use Committee (1982 - 1985); Chair of the Florida Bar Eminent Domain Committee (1993 - 1994); Co-Chair of the Hillsborough County Bar Association Eminent Domain Committee (1997-1998) and member of the Florida Bar Eminent Domain Practice and Procedure Steering Committee (1999 - present).
\r\nHer proudest career accomplishment is instituting the first-ever eminent domain program for the states' circuit judges at their annual education conference in July 1995. She co-chaired subsequent circuit judges' programs in September 1995, September 1996 and July 2000.Ms. Merlin has written numerous eminent domain articles, including a chapter on \"Special Benefits\" in the leading national condemnation treatise,Nichols on Eminent Domain, and the chapter on \"Authority to Exercise Power\" in the Florida Eminent Domain Practice & Procedure Manual - Florida's premier condemnation treatise.
\r\nShe is recognized in the Martindale Hubbell Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers in the field of eminent domain and has been selected to Florida Trend Magazine's \"Legal Elite\" in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009. She was also recognized in the 2006, 2007 and 2008 \"Best Lawyers in America\" publication and as a \"Super Lawyer\" by Florida Super Lawyers Magazine in 2006, 2007 and 2008..","CountryCode":"US","CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-biography highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-white background-dark-blue-gray background-dark-blue-gray-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBio","ViewName":"LawyerBio","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBio.cshtml"},null],"ViewName":"Paged","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Paged.cshtml","CssClass":"card d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-transparent swiper-slide","AriaLabel":"Paged"},{"BasicInfo":{"IsLoty":false,"LotyBadgeUrl":null,"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerId":0,"LawyerFullName":"Lorena Hart Ludovici","LawyerGivenName":"Lorena Hart","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Ludovici","LawyerInitials":"LL","HasFirmProfile":false,"FirmProfileUrl":null,"FirmName":"Gaylord Merlin Ludovici & Diaz","RecognizedSinceYear":2008,"LocationName":"Tampa, Florida","CountryCode":"US","TrafficId":70385,"TrafficCategory":"lawyer","PracticeAreas":["Eminent Domain and Condemnation Law"],"SpecificFocuses":[],"CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-basic-info card-lawyer-bl highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-white-lg background-white-lg-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewName":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBasicInfo.cshtml"},"Biography":{"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerFullName":"Lorena Hart Ludovici","LawyerGivenName":"Lorena Hart","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Ludovici","LawyerInitials":"LL","Biography":"Lorena Hart Ludovici represents clients throughout the state of Florida. She has handled cases in Georgia, Louisiana and Texas. Her diverse clientele includes shopping center owners, retailers, supermarket chains, gas stations, restaurants, professional offices, cell tower owners, golf course owners as well as farmers, grove operators, home-owners and many others.
\r\n.Ms. Ludovici's leadership in the field of eminent domain includes chairing The Florida Bar's eminent domain committee in 1991, 2001 and serving as co-chair in 2012- 2013 and in 1998-1999. She was also co-chair of CLE International's 2nd, 3rd and 11th Annual Super Conferences on Eminent Domain. She has served on the eminent domain steering committee for the judge's conferences co-chairing several of the programs held in July and September 1995, September 1996 and July 2000. Ms. Ludovici has spoken before her colleagues on topics such as \"Trial Planning and Organization\" and \"Making a Case for Condemnation Blight.\" She has also written numerous articles on topics including \"Regulatory Takings\" and \"Condemnation Blight.\"
Lorena Hart Ludovici represents clients throughout the state of Florida. She has handled cases in Georgia, Louisiana and Texas. Her diverse clientele includes shopping center owners, retailers, supermarket chains, gas stations, restaurants, professional offices, cell tower owners, golf course owners as well as farmers, grove operators, home-owners and many others.
\r\n.Ms. Ludovici's leadership in the field of eminent domain includes chairing The Florida Bar's eminent domain committee in 1991, 2001 and serving as co-chair in 2012- 2013 and in 1998-1999. She was also co-chair of CLE International's 2nd, 3rd and 11th Annual Super Conferences on Eminent Domain. She has served on the eminent domain steering committee for the judge's conferences co-chairing several of the programs held in July and September 1995, September 1996 and July 2000. Ms. Ludovici has spoken before her colleagues on topics such as \"Trial Planning and Organization\" and \"Making a Case for Condemnation Blight.\" She has also written numerous articles on topics including \"Regulatory Takings\" and \"Condemnation Blight.\"
Fritz Gray, of counsel, has been a practicing attorney in Tampa for more than 30 years. He is AV-rated by Martindale Hubbell with extensive experience in complex civil trials focusing on medical malpractice, general negligence, wrongful death, automobile accidents and premises liability. Mr. Gray has been a Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer since 1989 by the Florida Bar and is also certified as a Civil Trial Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy since 1986. In addition, Mr. Gray has been selected by his peers as a Florida Super Lawyer from 2007 through 2017. In 1997, Mr. Gray was invited for membership to the American Board of Trial Advocates (ABOTA). Mr. Gray is a member of the American Association of Justice since 1982 and Florida Justice Association since 1984, Board of Directors, 1994-1998.
Mr. Gray has been admitted to practice law in Florida since 1984. Mr. Gray is also admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court, The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals and the United States District Court, Middle District of Florida.
Mr. Gray has received multiple million dollar verdicts and settlements in medical malpractice, wrongful death and premise liability cases. Mr. Gray has lectured about medical malpractice issues to medical students at the University of South Florida School of Medicine as well as attorneys. Mr. Gray has spent much of his career in handling spinal cord, brain, and amputation injuries that resulted from medical malpractice and automobile negligence.
BACKGROUNDMr. Gray grew up in Iowa and attended the University of Wyoming in 1973. He received his B.A. in Business Administration and Theatrical Arts, 1977. During the summer months of 1974 & 1975, Mr. Gray toured the Rocky Mountain States performing summer stock. Mr. Gray graduated from Drake University Law School in 1980. From 1981 to the present, Mr. Gray has consistently represented the interests of injured persons in cases of personal injury and wrongful death from medical malpractice, automobile accidents, and premises liability.
Fritz Gray, of counsel, has been a practicing attorney in Tampa for more than 30 years. He is AV-rated by Martindale Hubbell with extensive experience in complex civil trials focusing on medical malpractice, general negligence, wrongful death, automobile accidents and premises liability. Mr. Gray has been a Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer since 1989 by the Florida Bar and is also certified as a Civil Trial Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy since 1986. In addition, Mr. Gray has been selected by his peers as a Florida Super Lawyer from 2007 through 2017. In 1997, Mr. Gray was invited for membership to the American Board of Trial Advocates (ABOTA). Mr. Gray is a member of the American Association of Justice since 1982 and Florida Justice Association since 1984, Board of Directors, 1994-1998.
Mr. Gray has been admitted to practice law in Florida since 1984. Mr. Gray is also admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court, The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals and the United States District Court, Middle District of Florida.
Mr. Gray has received multiple million dollar verdicts and settlements in medical malpractice, wrongful death and premise liability cases. Mr. Gray has lectured about medical malpractice issues to medical students at the University of South Florida School of Medicine as well as attorneys. Mr. Gray has spent much of his career in handling spinal cord, brain, and amputation injuries that resulted from medical malpractice and automobile negligence.
BACKGROUNDMr. Gray grew up in Iowa and attended the University of Wyoming in 1973. He received his B.A. in Business Administration and Theatrical Arts, 1977. During the summer months of 1974 & 1975, Mr. Gray toured the Rocky Mountain States performing summer stock. Mr. Gray graduated from Drake University Law School in 1980. From 1981 to the present, Mr. Gray has consistently represented the interests of injured persons in cases of personal injury and wrongful death from medical malpractice, automobile accidents, and premises liability.
Spend a few minutes talking with Jeffrey ''Jack\" Gordon about his practice and you're bound to hear terms like hematoma, or hydrocephalus, or oxygen saturation rate or standard of care. You may learn something about anatomy or physiology or hear a detailed description of spinal surgery. You might even be tempted to ask him for a medical opinion.
But Gordon is not a physician. The managing partner of MANEY | GORDON
Trial Lawyers is a highly respected medical malpractice trial attorney who has accumulated a wealth of medical knowledge for the over 30 years he’s been practicing.
\"You need to express the science in a way that can be felt and understood, without getting lost in technical language. To do that effectively,\" he says, \"you must become immersed in the science.\" Some weeks, Gordon may spend more time at the medical school library and attending physician lectures than he spends in court.
The majority of cases that Gordon prosecutes have been referred to him by other lawyers which has made his firm one of the most referred to in Florida for cases of medical malpractice, personal injury, car accidents and wrongful death.
\"Medical cases take you to difficult, deep and dangerous waters due to the complexity of the legal system. And the currents flow in favor of the doctor or hospital,\" he says. \"Medical entities are sophisticated defendants who have spent significant monies lobbying state legislatures and Congress to pass laws favorable to them.\"
Florida, for example, imposes a two-year statute of limitations for medical malpractice, as compared to four years for simple negligence. And before a suit can be filed, the claim must undergo a lengthy and expensive screening process. Additionally, prior to rendering care, many physicians require patients to waive their right to a jury trial should a claim arise. Then the medical malpractice victim is subject to legislative limits or \"caps\" on the amounts of damages recoverable.
\"Medical malpractice cases are exceptionally expensive and complex,\" Gordon says. \"A two-week trial with the best expert witnesses and exhibits can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Accordingly, we equip our entire legal team with expertise and resources.\"
Jeffrey “Jack” Gordon is a highly skilled trial attorney who has been profiled among the TopLawyers© in the Bay Area by Tampa Bay Magazine and has twice been selected a Leading Attorney of the Southeastern United States in Forbes magazine. For a decade, he has been selected for inclusion among Florida Trend's Legal Elite and recognized as one of the Top 100 SuperLawyers® in the state of Florida, and one of the Top 50 SuperLawyers® of Tampa Bay.
Mr. Gordon concentrates on prosecuting claims of medical negligence and was voted by his peers as Tampa Magazine’s Top Lawyer® since 2016 in Medical Malpractice (Plaintiffs). In 2023, he was listed in the 99.8th percentile of all attorneys in the state of Florida as he was inducted into the Florida Trend’s Legal Elite Hall of Fame.
Five times Board Certified in Civil Trial Law by The Florida Bar, Mr. Gordon is also twice certified by The National Board of Trial Advocacy as an expert in both Civil Trial Law and Civil Pre-trial Litigation. He is AV® rated Preeminent by Martindale-Hubbell.
In 2017, Mr. Gordon earned National Board Certification as an expert in Medical Malpractice law by the American Board of Professional Liability Attorneys. He is 1 of merely 17 lawyers in the State of Florida to have achieved this distinction.
Mr. Gordon is a Fellow of the Litigation Counsel of America, Trial Lawyer Honorary Society, and serves as a member of both the Trial Law Institute and the Diversity Law Institute.
Mr. Gordon garnered a 2014 and 2015 National Litigator Award from the Trial Lawyers Board of Regents and is a Lifetime Member of The Million Dollar Advocates Forum having achieved multiple seven-figure jury verdicts and settlements.
Mr. Gordon was honored in Florida Top Verdicts for having obtained the largest award in a lawsuit against a Dram Shop in 2011 (8.25 Million Dollars). Mr. Gordon prosecutes these claims individually and continues to serve as co-counsel throughout Florida for the purpose of assisting fellow lawyers to represent individuals injured as a result of the improper service of alcohol by bars, stores and restaurants.
In December of 2017, he obtained the largest award in a lawsuit involving a motorcycle accident (14.95 Million Dollars). After jury selection and merely four days of testimony in what was expected to be a 10-day trial, GEICO executives at the corporate headquarters in Maryland authorized consent judgment before verdict.
Mr. Gordon has been elected to membership in the American Board of Trial Advocates (ABOTA) and is listed in The Best Lawyers in America (2020 Edition).
Mr. Gordon has also achieved national recognition for his efforts in seeking to overcome tribal sovereign immunity on behalf of critically injured clients in multiple lawsuits filed against the Seminole Tribe of Florida.
Mr. Gordon remains committed to representing individuals who have been injured, and families of relatives who have been killed, as a result of medical malpractice, motor vehicle negligence, and dram shop violations. Mr. Gordon is admitted to practice law in the state of Florida and in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and has tried and argued cases in jurisdictions throughout the United States.
Since 1992, Mr. Gordon has combined his passion for helping others with his precision advocacy and has represented victims of negligence in cases ranging from catastrophic vehicular accidents to boat explosions to surgical errors to failed hospital equipment. In addition to representing families who have lost members due to wrongful death, Jack has represented clients who have suffered a myriad of injuries including spinal perforations, silicone induced fibromyalgia, brain traumas, loss of limbs, paralysis, and organ loss.
With a strong work ethic, established by his family and forged by a father who worked as a brick mason, Jack has been driven to succeed in all aspects of his life — from excelling in school to winning in the courtroom today. While earning his Bachelor’s degree in English at Tulane University, Jack played lacrosse and minored in physiology. At Tulane University School of Law, he combined his passions for health and scholarship, and in 1988 introduced to the Louisiana legislature a proposal forcing pharmacies to provide enhanced disclosure on consumer prescriptions.
Out of law school, Jack clerked for Judge Edward Barfield in the First District Court of Appeal and then received the appointment as Special Assistant Public Defender for the Appellate Division of Dade County, Florida. In 1990, he became the youngest certified Circuit Court Arbitrator in Palm Beach County. Entering private practice in 1992, Jack served as legal counsel to U.S. Total Health and Fitness and Gold’s Gym, and still found time to earn APFC, IPFA and ACE certifications as a personal trainer.
It is this background that naturally led Jack to represent plaintiffs suffering from injuries as a result of negligence and medical malpractice. In 1994, Jack established his reputation by successfully representing more than 120 women injured as a result of silicone breast implants in cases against the pharmaceutical manufacturers.
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Spend a few minutes talking with Jeffrey ''Jack\" Gordon about his practice and you're bound to hear terms like hematoma, or hydrocephalus, or oxygen saturation rate or standard of care. You may learn something about anatomy or physiology or hear a detailed description of spinal surgery. You might even be tempted to ask him for a medical opinion.
But Gordon is not a physician. The managing partner of MANEY | GORDON
Trial Lawyers is a highly respected medical malpractice trial attorney who has accumulated a wealth of medical knowledge for the over 30 years he’s been practicing.
\"You need to express the science in a way that can be felt and understood, without getting lost in technical language. To do that effectively,\" he says, \"you must become immersed in the science.\" Some weeks, Gordon may spend more time at the medical school library and attending physician lectures than he spends in court.
The majority of cases that Gordon prosecutes have been referred to him by other lawyers which has made his firm one of the most referred to in Florida for cases of medical malpractice, personal injury, car accidents and wrongful death.
\"Medical cases take you to difficult, deep and dangerous waters due to the complexity of the legal system. And the currents flow in favor of the doctor or hospital,\" he says. \"Medical entities are sophisticated defendants who have spent significant monies lobbying state legislatures and Congress to pass laws favorable to them.\"
Florida, for example, imposes a two-year statute of limitations for medical malpractice, as compared to four years for simple negligence. And before a suit can be filed, the claim must undergo a lengthy and expensive screening process. Additionally, prior to rendering care, many physicians require patients to waive their right to a jury trial should a claim arise. Then the medical malpractice victim is subject to legislative limits or \"caps\" on the amounts of damages recoverable.
\"Medical malpractice cases are exceptionally expensive and complex,\" Gordon says. \"A two-week trial with the best expert witnesses and exhibits can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Accordingly, we equip our entire legal team with expertise and resources.\"
Jeffrey “Jack” Gordon is a highly skilled trial attorney who has been profiled among the TopLawyers© in the Bay Area by Tampa Bay Magazine and has twice been selected a Leading Attorney of the Southeastern United States in Forbes magazine. For a decade, he has been selected for inclusion among Florida Trend's Legal Elite and recognized as one of the Top 100 SuperLawyers® in the state of Florida, and one of the Top 50 SuperLawyers® of Tampa Bay.
Mr. Gordon concentrates on prosecuting claims of medical negligence and was voted by his peers as Tampa Magazine’s Top Lawyer® since 2016 in Medical Malpractice (Plaintiffs). In 2023, he was listed in the 99.8th percentile of all attorneys in the state of Florida as he was inducted into the Florida Trend’s Legal Elite Hall of Fame.
Five times Board Certified in Civil Trial Law by The Florida Bar, Mr. Gordon is also twice certified by The National Board of Trial Advocacy as an expert in both Civil Trial Law and Civil Pre-trial Litigation. He is AV® rated Preeminent by Martindale-Hubbell.
In 2017, Mr. Gordon earned National Board Certification as an expert in Medical Malpractice law by the American Board of Professional Liability Attorneys. He is 1 of merely 17 lawyers in the State of Florida to have achieved this distinction.
Mr. Gordon is a Fellow of the Litigation Counsel of America, Trial Lawyer Honorary Society, and serves as a member of both the Trial Law Institute and the Diversity Law Institute.
Mr. Gordon garnered a 2014 and 2015 National Litigator Award from the Trial Lawyers Board of Regents and is a Lifetime Member of The Million Dollar Advocates Forum having achieved multiple seven-figure jury verdicts and settlements.
Mr. Gordon was honored in Florida Top Verdicts for having obtained the largest award in a lawsuit against a Dram Shop in 2011 (8.25 Million Dollars). Mr. Gordon prosecutes these claims individually and continues to serve as co-counsel throughout Florida for the purpose of assisting fellow lawyers to represent individuals injured as a result of the improper service of alcohol by bars, stores and restaurants.
In December of 2017, he obtained the largest award in a lawsuit involving a motorcycle accident (14.95 Million Dollars). After jury selection and merely four days of testimony in what was expected to be a 10-day trial, GEICO executives at the corporate headquarters in Maryland authorized consent judgment before verdict.
Mr. Gordon has been elected to membership in the American Board of Trial Advocates (ABOTA) and is listed in The Best Lawyers in America (2020 Edition).
Mr. Gordon has also achieved national recognition for his efforts in seeking to overcome tribal sovereign immunity on behalf of critically injured clients in multiple lawsuits filed against the Seminole Tribe of Florida.
Mr. Gordon remains committed to representing individuals who have been injured, and families of relatives who have been killed, as a result of medical malpractice, motor vehicle negligence, and dram shop violations. Mr. Gordon is admitted to practice law in the state of Florida and in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and has tried and argued cases in jurisdictions throughout the United States.
Since 1992, Mr. Gordon has combined his passion for helping others with his precision advocacy and has represented victims of negligence in cases ranging from catastrophic vehicular accidents to boat explosions to surgical errors to failed hospital equipment. In addition to representing families who have lost members due to wrongful death, Jack has represented clients who have suffered a myriad of injuries including spinal perforations, silicone induced fibromyalgia, brain traumas, loss of limbs, paralysis, and organ loss.
With a strong work ethic, established by his family and forged by a father who worked as a brick mason, Jack has been driven to succeed in all aspects of his life — from excelling in school to winning in the courtroom today. While earning his Bachelor’s degree in English at Tulane University, Jack played lacrosse and minored in physiology. At Tulane University School of Law, he combined his passions for health and scholarship, and in 1988 introduced to the Louisiana legislature a proposal forcing pharmacies to provide enhanced disclosure on consumer prescriptions.
Out of law school, Jack clerked for Judge Edward Barfield in the First District Court of Appeal and then received the appointment as Special Assistant Public Defender for the Appellate Division of Dade County, Florida. In 1990, he became the youngest certified Circuit Court Arbitrator in Palm Beach County. Entering private practice in 1992, Jack served as legal counsel to U.S. Total Health and Fitness and Gold’s Gym, and still found time to earn APFC, IPFA and ACE certifications as a personal trainer.
It is this background that naturally led Jack to represent plaintiffs suffering from injuries as a result of negligence and medical malpractice. In 1994, Jack established his reputation by successfully representing more than 120 women injured as a result of silicone breast implants in cases against the pharmaceutical manufacturers.
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Steve Zaloudek is a Senior Trial Attorney at MANEY | GORDON Trial Lawyers. Steve focuses his practice in Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury and Wrongful Death. Steve has been admitted to practice law in Florida, New York and Georgia and has logged more than 25 years of trial experience in these states, obtaining several noteworthy judgments and settlements for his clients. In 2011 Steve garnered one of the top published verdicts in the state of New York. In 2012 he repeated that feat with a second top verdict.
As a result of his experience having worked both as a Plaintiff lawyer representing individuals injured as a result of negligence, and previously as a Defense attorney representing insurance companies, big corporations and hospitals, Steve brings a balanced perspective and understanding to every case. Steve believes strongly in the importance of relationships with his clients and is committed to fostering relationships within the legal and medical community. These efforts enable Steve to continue to effectively achieve top value recoveries on behalf of our injured clients.
Mr. Zaloudek began his legal career in his home town of Atlanta by working as a law clerk for the Honorable Melodie Clayton. During his clerkship, he developed a passion for trial work as a result of observing a large number of trials. He then went to work at a large law firm representing insurance companies against claims of negligence. During this time, he gained valuable trial experience working alongside some of the top trial attorneys in Atlanta. He then moved with his family to New York City where he practiced for 14 years. While in New York, Steve began his own practice representing victims of negligence against big insurance companies, hospitals and the city of New York. After much success, Steve was recruited by one of New York’s most prestigious law firms as the Lead Senior Trial Attorney where he continued his pursuit of justice on behalf of those injured. As Lead Senior Trial Attorney, Steve maintained primary responsibility for each and every trial conducted by the firm.
Steve re-located to Tampa with his wife and three daughters in 2018 where the family is actively involved in the Hillsborough County community.
Steve Zaloudek is a Senior Trial Attorney at MANEY | GORDON Trial Lawyers. Steve focuses his practice in Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury and Wrongful Death. Steve has been admitted to practice law in Florida, New York and Georgia and has logged more than 25 years of trial experience in these states, obtaining several noteworthy judgments and settlements for his clients. In 2011 Steve garnered one of the top published verdicts in the state of New York. In 2012 he repeated that feat with a second top verdict.
As a result of his experience having worked both as a Plaintiff lawyer representing individuals injured as a result of negligence, and previously as a Defense attorney representing insurance companies, big corporations and hospitals, Steve brings a balanced perspective and understanding to every case. Steve believes strongly in the importance of relationships with his clients and is committed to fostering relationships within the legal and medical community. These efforts enable Steve to continue to effectively achieve top value recoveries on behalf of our injured clients.
Mr. Zaloudek began his legal career in his home town of Atlanta by working as a law clerk for the Honorable Melodie Clayton. During his clerkship, he developed a passion for trial work as a result of observing a large number of trials. He then went to work at a large law firm representing insurance companies against claims of negligence. During this time, he gained valuable trial experience working alongside some of the top trial attorneys in Atlanta. He then moved with his family to New York City where he practiced for 14 years. While in New York, Steve began his own practice representing victims of negligence against big insurance companies, hospitals and the city of New York. After much success, Steve was recruited by one of New York’s most prestigious law firms as the Lead Senior Trial Attorney where he continued his pursuit of justice on behalf of those injured. As Lead Senior Trial Attorney, Steve maintained primary responsibility for each and every trial conducted by the firm.
Steve re-located to Tampa with his wife and three daughters in 2018 where the family is actively involved in the Hillsborough County community.
Tommy D. Roebig is a native Floridian, born and raised in Jacksonville. He received his undergraduate degree from Florida State University and his law degree from Stetson University College of Law where he was a member of the National Moot Court Team. In 2007, the Stetson Lawyers Association awarded Tommy and his partner Wil Florin its outstanding Alumni Award (Paul May Meritorious Service Award). He is a member of the Trial Lawyers for Public Justice Foundation and numerous other associations which promote civil justice.
Tommy has been inducted into the “Million Dollar Advocates Forum,” a National organization which recognizes Trial Lawyers who have received jury awards in excess of a million dollars. He has also been named to the “Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum” for numerous jury verdicts of multiple millions. He is Board Certified in Civil Trial Law by both The Florida Bar and The National Board of Trial Advocacy as well as Board Certified as a Civil Pretrial Practice Advocate by the National Board of Legal Specialty Certifications. Florida Trend™ Magazine has selected Tommy as one of Florida’s “Elite Lawyers”.
Tommy has been repeatedly named among Florida’s “Super Lawyers” every year since 2006 in a statewide poll conducted of practicing attorneys by the publication Law and Politics. He has also obtained Martindale-Hubbell’s highest peer rating for both ethics and legal ability. In 2007, he was listed as one of “America’s Leading Plaintiff’s Lawyers” by the national legal organization, Lawdragon. Every year since 2009, Tommy was selected by the National Trial Lawyers Association as one of the Top 100 Trial Lawyers in the state of Florida.
Tommy has been a frequently requested lecturer at Stetson University College of Law instructing on the law of negligence and wrongful death damages. He has often been a requested speaker on trial tactics to numerous legal associations and trial lawyer seminars including the Florida Justice Association and has served as an adjunct professor at St. Petersburg College teaching civil law courses.
Tommy has obtained million dollar plus jury awards in both federal and state court trials as well as million dollar recoveries for his clients in the areas of medical malpractice, discrimination & civil rights, liquor liability, product liability, class action, and motor-vehicle negligence in the Tampa Bay area. Recently in 2016, Tommy Roebig pursued and obtained a $42 million jury verdict against Applebee’s and others in a personal injury case (largest contested jury verdict in Hernando County history). In 2005, his $15 million jury verdict in a trucking negligence trial was the 4th largest verdict reported in the state. His $47.4 million jury verdict against a Tampa Bay area day spa and massage therapist is the largest jury verdict in Pasco County history and the second largest jury verdict in Florida for 2014. His $6.1 million jury verdict in a motorcycle accident case obtained in August 2017 is believed to be the largest jury verdict in Sumter County history. His recent 2018 $7.6 Million jury verdict in a premises liability case is believed to be the largest injury verdict ever in the Clearwater, Florida civil division. Tommy is married and has two children.
","CountryCode":"US","CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-biography highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-white background-dark-blue-gray background-dark-blue-gray-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBio","ViewName":"LawyerBio","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBio.cshtml"},"Contact":null,"Pages":[{"IsLoty":false,"LotyBadgeUrl":null,"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerId":0,"LawyerFullName":"Thomas D. Roebig","LawyerGivenName":"Thomas D.","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Roebig","LawyerInitials":"TR","HasFirmProfile":false,"FirmProfileUrl":null,"FirmName":"Florin Roebig, P.A.","RecognizedSinceYear":2010,"LocationName":"St. Petersburg, Florida","CountryCode":"US","TrafficId":115900,"TrafficCategory":"lawyer","PracticeAreas":["Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs"],"SpecificFocuses":[],"CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-basic-info card-lawyer-bl highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-white-lg background-white-lg-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewName":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBasicInfo.cshtml"},{"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerFullName":"Thomas D. Roebig","LawyerGivenName":"Thomas D.","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Roebig","LawyerInitials":"TR","Biography":"Tommy D. Roebig is a native Floridian, born and raised in Jacksonville. He received his undergraduate degree from Florida State University and his law degree from Stetson University College of Law where he was a member of the National Moot Court Team. In 2007, the Stetson Lawyers Association awarded Tommy and his partner Wil Florin its outstanding Alumni Award (Paul May Meritorious Service Award). He is a member of the Trial Lawyers for Public Justice Foundation and numerous other associations which promote civil justice.
Tommy has been inducted into the “Million Dollar Advocates Forum,” a National organization which recognizes Trial Lawyers who have received jury awards in excess of a million dollars. He has also been named to the “Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum” for numerous jury verdicts of multiple millions. He is Board Certified in Civil Trial Law by both The Florida Bar and The National Board of Trial Advocacy as well as Board Certified as a Civil Pretrial Practice Advocate by the National Board of Legal Specialty Certifications. Florida Trend™ Magazine has selected Tommy as one of Florida’s “Elite Lawyers”.
Tommy has been repeatedly named among Florida’s “Super Lawyers” every year since 2006 in a statewide poll conducted of practicing attorneys by the publication Law and Politics. He has also obtained Martindale-Hubbell’s highest peer rating for both ethics and legal ability. In 2007, he was listed as one of “America’s Leading Plaintiff’s Lawyers” by the national legal organization, Lawdragon. Every year since 2009, Tommy was selected by the National Trial Lawyers Association as one of the Top 100 Trial Lawyers in the state of Florida.
Tommy has been a frequently requested lecturer at Stetson University College of Law instructing on the law of negligence and wrongful death damages. He has often been a requested speaker on trial tactics to numerous legal associations and trial lawyer seminars including the Florida Justice Association and has served as an adjunct professor at St. Petersburg College teaching civil law courses.
Tommy has obtained million dollar plus jury awards in both federal and state court trials as well as million dollar recoveries for his clients in the areas of medical malpractice, discrimination & civil rights, liquor liability, product liability, class action, and motor-vehicle negligence in the Tampa Bay area. Recently in 2016, Tommy Roebig pursued and obtained a $42 million jury verdict against Applebee’s and others in a personal injury case (largest contested jury verdict in Hernando County history). In 2005, his $15 million jury verdict in a trucking negligence trial was the 4th largest verdict reported in the state. His $47.4 million jury verdict against a Tampa Bay area day spa and massage therapist is the largest jury verdict in Pasco County history and the second largest jury verdict in Florida for 2014. His $6.1 million jury verdict in a motorcycle accident case obtained in August 2017 is believed to be the largest jury verdict in Sumter County history. His recent 2018 $7.6 Million jury verdict in a premises liability case is believed to be the largest injury verdict ever in the Clearwater, Florida civil division. Tommy is married and has two children.
","CountryCode":"US","CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-biography highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-white background-dark-blue-gray background-dark-blue-gray-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBio","ViewName":"LawyerBio","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBio.cshtml"},null],"ViewName":"Paged","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Paged.cshtml","CssClass":"card d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-transparent swiper-slide","AriaLabel":"Paged"},{"BasicInfo":{"IsLoty":false,"LotyBadgeUrl":null,"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerId":0,"LawyerFullName":"Wil H. Florin","LawyerGivenName":"Wil H.","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Florin","LawyerInitials":"WF","HasFirmProfile":false,"FirmProfileUrl":null,"FirmName":"Florin Roebig, P.A.","RecognizedSinceYear":2010,"LocationName":"St. Petersburg, Florida","CountryCode":"US","TrafficId":9662,"TrafficCategory":"lawyer","PracticeAreas":["Medical Malpractice Law - Plaintiffs"],"SpecificFocuses":[],"CssClass":"card card-lawyer card-lawyer-basic-info card-lawyer-bl highlight d-flex flex-column border-0 rounded text-charcoal background-white-lg background-white-lg-highlighted-hover","AriaLabel":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewName":"LawyerBasicInfo","ViewPath":"~/Views/Shared/Components/Cards/Lawyers/LawyerBasicInfo.cshtml"},"Biography":{"PublicationListId":1,"HasLawyerProfileImage":true,"LawyerProfileImageUrl":"","IsLocked":false,"HasLawyerProfile":true,"LawyerProfileUrl":"","LinkTarget":null,"LinkRel":null,"LawyerFullName":"Wil H. Florin","LawyerGivenName":"Wil H.","LawyerMiddleName":null,"LawyerFamilyName":"Florin","LawyerInitials":"WF","Biography":"Wil H. Florin was born in Salzburg, Austria and raised in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. He received his B.A. from Ball State University where he was captain of the varsity soccer team and President of the University’s largest social fraternity (Sigma Phi Epsilon). He obtained his Juris Doctorate from Stetson University College of Law in 1980 where he won the school Moot Court competition and was a State Moot Court finalist. The Law School campus (which is perennially recognized by U.S. News and World Report as the nation's top law school for trial advocacy) includes the Florin|Roebig Courtroom, one of the largest and most technologically advanced teaching courtrooms in the country. He has remained actively involved with the law school since graduation, having served as an Adjunct Professor in Trial Practice, as well as a host and keynote speaker for the annual “Friends and Family Day” event. Wil was recently selected to serve a four (4) year term as a member of the Stetson University Board of Trustees. In addition, he is serving his second three (3) year term as a member of the Stetson University College of Law Board of Overseers. In 2007, the Stetson Lawyers Association awarded Wil and his partner Thomas D. Roebig, Jr. it's annual outstanding alumni award (Paul May Meritorious Service Award). Wil has lectured to trial groups across the Country. He is licensed to practice law in the states of Texas (1980) and Florida (1982). He is also admitted to practice in the United States District Court for the District of Colorado. He has been Board Certified as a Civil Trial Lawyer by both The Florida Bar since 1988 and The National Board of Trial Advocacy since 1990. Wil is also Board Certified as a Civil Pretrial Practice Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy.
Wil has been repeatedly named by his peers to “Best Lawyers in America” (one of only two Pinellas/Pasco plaintiff’s medical malpractice attorneys selected), “Leading American Attorneys,” “Florida Super Lawyers” and “America’s Leading Plaintiff’s Lawyers.” He has obtained Martindale-Hubbell’s highest peer rating for both ethics and legal ability. Wil was selected by The National Trial Lawyers Association as one of the Top 100 Trial Lawyers in Florida each of the past eight (8) years. In what is an infrequent occurrence for the Tampa Bay Times, the newspaper in 2010 published a feature article on Wil’s successful legal career (see section below). In October 2018, Wil became only the 89th inductee to the Stetson University College of Law’s Hall of Fame in the 118-year history of the school. The honor of being selected for membership to the Stetson Hall of Fame is bestowed upon alumni who have reached and remained at the pinnacle of their fields and have had a profound impact upon the College of Law.
In 1986, at age thirty, and shortly after founding Florin|Roebig in 1985, he became what may be the youngest lawyer in America to obtain a multi-million dollar jury verdict ($2.3 million). Million dollar recoveries have come in individual cases in the varied areas of medical malpractice, automobile negligence, transportation negligence, civil rights, employment discrimination, insurance liability, products liability, dram shop liability, pharmaceutical liability, manufacturer’s liability, class actions, accountant’s liability, and landowner’s liability. In 2005, his $15 million jury verdict in a trucking negligence trial was the 4th largest verdict reported in the state. His 2014 jury verdict of $47.4 million against a Tampa Bay area day spa and massage therapist is the largest jury verdict in Pasco County history and the second largest jury verdict in Florida for 2014. His 2016 $42 million jury verdict against Applebee’s and others is the largest contested jury verdict in Hernando County history. His $6.1 million jury verdict in a motorcycle accident case won in August 2017 is believed to be the largest jury verdict in Sumter County history. His recent 2018 $7.6 million jury verdict in a premises liability case is considered to be the largest injury verdict ever in the Clearwater, Florida civil division. Wil has obtained over 75 verdicts and settlements more than one million dollars on behalf of his clients. No Pinellas/Pasco attorney has obtained more million dollar jury verdicts [sixteen (16) including two (2) over $40 million] or more million dollar medical malpractice jury verdicts (7) than Wil.
Wil’s hobbies include soccer and karate. He was named M.V.P. of the 1976 Indiana College All-Star Soccer game and holds a Black Belt in Isshinryu Karate.
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Wil has been repeatedly named by his peers to “Best Lawyers in America” (one of only two Pinellas/Pasco plaintiff’s medical malpractice attorneys selected), “Leading American Attorneys,” “Florida Super Lawyers” and “America’s Leading Plaintiff’s Lawyers.” He has obtained Martindale-Hubbell’s highest peer rating for both ethics and legal ability. Wil was selected by The National Trial Lawyers Association as one of the Top 100 Trial Lawyers in Florida each of the past eight (8) years. In what is an infrequent occurrence for the Tampa Bay Times, the newspaper in 2010 published a feature article on Wil’s successful legal career (see section below). In October 2018, Wil became only the 89th inductee to the Stetson University College of Law’s Hall of Fame in the 118-year history of the school. The honor of being selected for membership to the Stetson Hall of Fame is bestowed upon alumni who have reached and remained at the pinnacle of their fields and have had a profound impact upon the College of Law.
In 1986, at age thirty, and shortly after founding Florin|Roebig in 1985, he became what may be the youngest lawyer in America to obtain a multi-million dollar jury verdict ($2.3 million). Million dollar recoveries have come in individual cases in the varied areas of medical malpractice, automobile negligence, transportation negligence, civil rights, employment discrimination, insurance liability, products liability, dram shop liability, pharmaceutical liability, manufacturer’s liability, class actions, accountant’s liability, and landowner’s liability. In 2005, his $15 million jury verdict in a trucking negligence trial was the 4th largest verdict reported in the state. His 2014 jury verdict of $47.4 million against a Tampa Bay area day spa and massage therapist is the largest jury verdict in Pasco County history and the second largest jury verdict in Florida for 2014. His 2016 $42 million jury verdict against Applebee’s and others is the largest contested jury verdict in Hernando County history. His $6.1 million jury verdict in a motorcycle accident case won in August 2017 is believed to be the largest jury verdict in Sumter County history. His recent 2018 $7.6 million jury verdict in a premises liability case is considered to be the largest injury verdict ever in the Clearwater, Florida civil division. Wil has obtained over 75 verdicts and settlements more than one million dollars on behalf of his clients. No Pinellas/Pasco attorney has obtained more million dollar jury verdicts [sixteen (16) including two (2) over $40 million] or more million dollar medical malpractice jury verdicts (7) than Wil.
Wil’s hobbies include soccer and karate. He was named M.V.P. of the 1976 Indiana College All-Star Soccer game and holds a Black Belt in Isshinryu Karate.
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Cary Gaylord has represented clients in over 30 counties in Florida as well as in the federal courts and courts of Illinois and Georgia. He has handled cases involving large vacant parcels, churches, national big box retailers, shopping centers, gas station/convenience stores, fast food restaurants, supermarket chains, professional offices, farmers, retailers, grove operators, golf course owners, homeowners, as well as other properties both in eminent domain and inverse condemnation proceedings.
He has authored and co-authored numerous articles including chapters in Nichols on Eminent Domain covering maps of reservation as well as power lines and electromagnetic fields. Mr. Gaylord also co-authored \"The Public Purpose Doctrine\" chapter of the Florida Eminent Domain Practice and Procedure Manual - the authoritative publication on eminent domain issues for the Florida Bar.
He has also lectured on these and other condemnation topics for the American Bar Association, Southwestern Legal Foundation, ALI-ABA, the Florida Bar and the Hillsborough County Bar Associations as well as numerous other groups.
Mr. Gaylord was selected to Florida Trend Magazine's \"Legal Elite\" in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009. He was also recognized in 2006, 2007 and 2008 in the \"Best Lawyers in America\" publication and as a \"Super Lawyer\" by Florida Super Lawyers Magazine. In 2006 he was invited to participate as a senior panelist in The National Conference on Ethics in America at United States Military Academy.
Martindale Hubbell has awarded Mr. Gaylord an AV rating the highest rating given to attorneys. He is also recognized in the Martindale Hubbell Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers in the field of eminent domain.
Mr. Gaylord is a member of the Hillsborough County, Florida and American Bar Associations and is active in the Eminent Domain Committees of the Florida Bar and the Hillsborough County Bar Associations. He served as Chairman of the Florida Bar Eminent Domain Committee from 1982 to 1984. He is a member of the Florida Justice Association and the American Association for Justice. He was invited to join the American Board of Trial Advocates whose membership is limited to attorneys who have extensive jury trial experience and who exhibit \"high personal character and honorable reputation.\" In addition Mr. Gaylord is a Master of the Tampa Bay Chapter of the American Inns of Court (2005 to present.)
Mr. Gaylord served as a member of the Judicial Nominating Commission for the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit from 1999 to 2007 and was reappointed to the Commission by the Governor in 2008. During his tenure with the JNC, he was elected twice to serve as its chairman. Previous to this he served a four year term as a member of the Grievance Committee for the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit.
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Cary Gaylord has represented clients in over 30 counties in Florida as well as in the federal courts and courts of Illinois and Georgia. He has handled cases involving large vacant parcels, churches, national big box retailers, shopping centers, gas station/convenience stores, fast food restaurants, supermarket chains, professional offices, farmers, retailers, grove operators, golf course owners, homeowners, as well as other properties both in eminent domain and inverse condemnation proceedings.
He has authored and co-authored numerous articles including chapters in Nichols on Eminent Domain covering maps of reservation as well as power lines and electromagnetic fields. Mr. Gaylord also co-authored \"The Public Purpose Doctrine\" chapter of the Florida Eminent Domain Practice and Procedure Manual - the authoritative publication on eminent domain issues for the Florida Bar.
He has also lectured on these and other condemnation topics for the American Bar Association, Southwestern Legal Foundation, ALI-ABA, the Florida Bar and the Hillsborough County Bar Associations as well as numerous other groups.
Mr. Gaylord was selected to Florida Trend Magazine's \"Legal Elite\" in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009. He was also recognized in 2006, 2007 and 2008 in the \"Best Lawyers in America\" publication and as a \"Super Lawyer\" by Florida Super Lawyers Magazine. In 2006 he was invited to participate as a senior panelist in The National Conference on Ethics in America at United States Military Academy.
Martindale Hubbell has awarded Mr. Gaylord an AV rating the highest rating given to attorneys. He is also recognized in the Martindale Hubbell Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers in the field of eminent domain.
Mr. Gaylord is a member of the Hillsborough County, Florida and American Bar Associations and is active in the Eminent Domain Committees of the Florida Bar and the Hillsborough County Bar Associations. He served as Chairman of the Florida Bar Eminent Domain Committee from 1982 to 1984. He is a member of the Florida Justice Association and the American Association for Justice. He was invited to join the American Board of Trial Advocates whose membership is limited to attorneys who have extensive jury trial experience and who exhibit \"high personal character and honorable reputation.\" In addition Mr. Gaylord is a Master of the Tampa Bay Chapter of the American Inns of Court (2005 to present.)
Mr. Gaylord served as a member of the Judicial Nominating Commission for the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit from 1999 to 2007 and was reappointed to the Commission by the Governor in 2008. During his tenure with the JNC, he was elected twice to serve as its chairman. Previous to this he served a four year term as a member of the Grievance Committee for the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit.
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