Michael Elliott

Michael Elliott

Rice Harbut Elliott LLP

Recognized since 2022

Vancouver, British Columbia

Practice Areas

Personal Injury Litigation

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Mike is a partner at Rice Harbut Elliott LLP. He has devoted his career to fighting for the underdog. Mike’s personal injury practice is varied and focuses on assisting clients who have suffered injuries arising from motor vehicle accidents, unsafe premises, assaults, and medical and dental malpractice. Mike’s class action practice concentrates on acting for people who have been harmed by defective pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and consumer products.

The courtroom is where Mike was meant to be. As a child, he would forgo Saturday morning cartoons to watch black and white Perry Mason reruns, much to the chagrin of his younger brothers. Now, as a lawyer, with over a decade of courtroom experience in all levels of court in British Columbia, he has been counsel in dozens of trials and obtained numerous precedent setting decisions to the benefit of his clients and, hopefully, injured plaintiffs everywhere. Mike is naturally stubborn and was raised to appreciate the value of hard work. He is thankful, every day, for the opportunity he gets to balance the playing field between large corporations and everyday people.

Other than trial, Mike believes the most meaningful part of his job is meeting and getting to know his clients from all walks of life. He places particular importance on ensuring that he and his team thoughtfully guide clients through what is often the most difficult time in their lives. Mike is relentless but compassionate – a tireless advocate for his clients but committed to listening and learning about the people whom he represents.

Contact & Links
  • 980 Howe Street, Suite 820
    Vancouver, BC V6Z 0C8
Bar Admissions
  • British Columbia, 2008

Recognized in The Best Lawyers in Canada 2024 for work in:
  • Personal Injury Litigation


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