Ramchand & Raval, P.C.

Hoboken, New Jersey

1 Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch® in America award

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Since 2007 we have represented thousands of clients in immigration matters nationwide.

We understand clients' challenges and need for immigration guidance. Stability, predictability, growth are not just things we want for our law firm, but for each one of our clients.

Ramchand & Raval PC was formed in 2007 with the sole purpose of providing outstanding immigration legal services to both corporations and individuals. Our clients range from companies seeking immigration benefits for their employees or officers to individuals seeking immigration benefits for themselves or family members. We pride ourselves on the personalized service we provide each client.

Experienced, dedicated, cost-effective and hardworking are just some of the words that clients have used to describe our services.

Management & Demographics
Management & Personnel
Male: 2
Asian: 2
Female: 1
Hispanic / Latinx: 1
Non-Legal Employees
Male: 1
Female: 1
Asian: 2
Persons with Disabilities: 1

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  • Immigration Law

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